Wwii sherman tank

Major Events of World War ll

By ejdejd
  • Peal Harbor Bombing

    Peal Harbor Bombing
    Japanese bomber planes launched a surprise attack on the American base at Pearl Harbor.
  • U.S. declares war with Japan

    U.S. declares war with Japan
    After the bombing of Pearl Harbor the president of the U.S. came over the radio saying he we were at war with Japan.
  • Hitlar Declares War

    Hitlar Declares War
    America unkowning if to join the recent large scale war, soon to be called World War II, are forced to when Hitlar declares war on the U.S.
  • The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway
    At this time americs didn't know if they would win the war. During this battle though the Americans depending mostly on the marines won this battle turning the tides of the war on our side.
  • Battle of the Bismarck Sea

     Battle of the Bismarck Sea
    During the battle of Bismarck Sea American and australian air forces attacked Japanese convoy ships with multiples of troops aboared heading to Lae.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was the landing of 160,000 allied troops in Normady France to lead an attack aganist the the German Nazis. This causing the beginning of the end for the Nazi's rein.
  • Attempted Assassination On Hitler

    Attempted Assassination On Hitler
    Hitler, leader of the German country, was going to be assanated by a small plastic bomb being planted in a brief case set in the room with him during a conference. The case at one point was moved away from him. When it went off he was harmed, but not killed.
  • The First Atomic Bomb

    The First Atomic Bomb
    America droped a atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima in hopes of forcing Japan to surrender.
  • The Second Atomic Bomb

    The Second Atomic Bomb
    When Japan did not surrender after the first bombing America then bombed Nagasaki in a final atemed to force them to surrender.
  • World War II Ends

    World War II Ends
    After several heavy defeats and the bombing of there citys Japan shows surrender, which was accepted by the U.S. general, thus formally ending the war!