2M. Reese Cold War

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    Korean conflict

    In 1945, Korea was divided along the 38th parallel. Then in the summer of 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea all the way until pusan. In Fall UN forces push back till the Yalu River. North Korea invaded again until it was at the 38th parallel line again. In 1953, both sides signed an armistice this held for the rest of the war, there were no peace treaty ever negotiated. After this both countries developed seperately.
  • NATO

    In 1949 the United states and eleven other countries form a millitary alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This was formed to help one another if they were attacked.
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    Nucelar Arms Race and Detente.

    By 1949, both sides had developed nuclear weapons. Both sides engaged in a race to match each other's new weapons. The result was a "balance of terror." In 1969 the United States and Soviet union began Strategic Arms Limitation Talks(SALT) to limit nuclear weapons.The agreement also limited anti-ballisitic missiles(ADMs), missiles that shoot down hostile missiles. During the 1970's their was a time period called detente. During this time it relaxed tensions between Soviet arms and Americans.
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    Communist Cuba and Missle crisis 2

    The united states repsonded by sending over a naval blokade preventing any soviet ships from entering Cuba. President Kennedy demanded soviet union remove them. A few days later they took them back.
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    Communist Cuba and Missile Crisis

    In the 1950s, Fidel Castro organized an rebellion against the dictator in cuba. By 1959, Fidel had led his army to victory and set to change the country. Castro supported the Soviet Union. The United States attempted to bring down commmunist Cuba. The United States invaded Cuba and it quickly ended in failure when castro's forces captured invaders. In 1962, the soviet union sent nuclear missiles to cuba.
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    Eastern European Independence

    During the 1950 and 1960s their were revolts and in the 1980s demands for change started again. In 1988 and 1989, Hungary got more freedom from the communist goverment. In 1980, economic hardship ignited strikes in poland. By 1989 a democracy movement swept through the region. In 1989, when communists lost power Slovaks demanded independence. In 1992, Czechoslovakia was peacefully seperated into the new nations.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    In 1955, the soviet union made their own alliance called the Warsaw Pact. It was the Soviet Union and senver other countries. Unlike NATO, the warsaw pact was often invoked by the soviets to keep its satellites in order.
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    Chinese Civil War

    From 1958 to 1960, Mao led a campaign called Great Leap Forward. He urged people to increase farm and industrial output. He eventually created communes, owned and operated farms and communities. The Great Leap Forward proved to be a failure. The commune system cut food output and between 1959 and 1961, as many as 55 million Chinese are thought to have starved to death. In, 1966 Mao a Cultural Revolution, its goal was to purge china of bourgeois tendencies.
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    Chinese Civil War 2

    This didn’t help either this made things worse for china. Finally, Mao had the army restore order.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    In the 1950s a mass of people fled to West Berlin. These people came to West Berlin to leave the communism. To stop the people from coming in to West Gemany, they built a wall that sealed off West Berlin. When it was complete it was a massive concrete wall and patrolled by guards.
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    Vietnam Conflict

    America didn’t want communist spreading to Southeast Asia. They Attacked South Vietnam to stop Communism. On August 1, 1964, Vietnam attacked a nearby U.S. Navy Destroyer, the Maddox this started the conflict.The Guerrilla Warfare was a big part of the Vietnam's fighting tactics. This is the main reason vietnam won. Eventually American leaders decided they had to get out of vietnam. In 1973, Nixon negotiated the paris peace treaty this established a cease-fire.
  • Soviets in Afghanistan

    Soviets in Afghanistan
    In 1979, the soviets the had a long war in Afghanistan. This war started when Afghan warlords took up against the goverment, they soviet troop moved in. Battling mujahedin in the mountains in Afghanistan, was as hard as fighting Gurrillas in the jungles. The the 1980s the american goverment smuggled in modern weaponry. This turned out just like the Vietnam war.
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    Soviet union falls

    The falling of the soviet union started in 1979, with the war in Afghanistan. Then in 1985 a new leader, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power with the soviet union in bad shape. He tried to end the cold war by signing treaties with united states and pulling troop out of Afghanistan. He also tried to turn the economy around but Gorbachev's reforms brought economic turmoil. In 1989 Poland to Bularia broke out of the soviet union. In 1991, the remaining soviet nations seperated.