Influence on U.S. Government

  • Jan 1, 1100

    Roman Republic/ Cincinnatus: 754 B.C. to 460 B.C. ( PART 1)

    Cincinnatus had a lot of influence on the U.S. Government. Cincinnatus was a roman leader. His priciple was Popular Sovereignty which has to do with civic virtue. One major influence was Civic virtue. Civic virtue means leaders and citizens give up there selfish needs for the common welfare. Roman Republic was another influence on the U.S. Government. Roman Republic was a form of government that had no King or an Emperor.
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Roman Republic/ Cincinnatus: 754 B.C. to 460 B.C. ( PART 2)

    ( Continued) It had kinda the same influence Cincinnatus had. It said that the leaders of the government had to put common welfare above their own selfish needs. This is a good thing so nothing is done for one person or a group. Roman Republics Principle is Republicanism. This means the people of a roman republic vote for their political representatives. This also has to do with common welfare.
  • Constitutional Government ( latest date as i know 1620)

    Constitutional Government also had an influence on U.S. Government. Constitutional Government was a form of government that had unlimited powers. The name of this type of government is Autocratic Government. We have limited powers but some countries do not. The principles that go with this include limited government and Individual rights. Limited power means citizens and leaders must obey the law. Individual right meant no one can control what you write or say.
  • John Locke 1632-1704 (part 1)

    John Locke was influence on the U.S. Government. John Locke was an English philosopher. His principles were popular Sovereignty and Individual Rights. Natural rights was one influence. Natural rights are the right you are born with. State of nature,social compact,and jobs of the govrernment was also influences John Locke had on the U.S. Government. State of Nature is when there is government but not a strict one. Social compact means the government and citizens have certain limits and rights.
  • John Locke 1632-1704 (part 2)

    ( Continued ) Job of the government according to Locke was to protect the citizens natural rights. By the way Popular Sovereignty is a government in which the people rule. Individual Rights are the rights we have like our natural rights or our privaleges to write and speak what we want(most of the time). John Locke also had the principle limited government which includes social compact and means everyone must obey the law and cannot bend it.
  • Montisquieu 1689-1755 ( part 1)

    Montisquieu 1689-1755 ( part 1)
    Montisquieu's full name was Baron de la Brede et de Montesquieu. Montusquieu was a French philosopher.His principles include Republicanism, separation of powers, and checks and balances. Republicanism meant the people vote fot their political representatives. This had to do with a republican form of government which is when the people vote for their leader/ representative. Separation of powers meant that the roles of government were didvded betwen the 3 branches.
  • Montisquieu 1689-1755 ( part 2)

    Montisquieu 1689-1755 ( part 2)
    ( Continued) This had to do with separate and balanced powers which menat that the branches all had there own job but no one had more power over any of the other branches. Checks and balances was the last principle and this meant each branch checks on the other branches to make sure they are doing there job right.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Under the Articles of Confederation power was split between congress and the states. States had the most power though. Powers to congress include wage wars, make peace, make money, and make the laws. Powers to the states include, they get to tax and enforce the laws.
  • Foreign Issues ( dates vary )

    Foreign Issues ( dates vary )
    Securing the Nw territory-trouble competing claims for the lands between Spain, Britain, the United states, and the native Americans. Spain held lots of land west of the Mississippi and claimed Florida.*French Revolution-Financial crisis led French to rebel against there own Gov. because they wanted liberty and equality. French Revolution became violent.*Remaining Neutral-Jay's Treaty-British payed damages for U.S. vessels they seized. Pinkney''s Treaty- Spain gave Americans- travel Mississippi.
  • Domestic Issues ( dates vary )

    *Securing the NW Territory-the Native Americans.
    * Whiskey Rebellion-Farmers made grain to whiskey. Used whiskey for money and traded it for goods. Horses could also carry the whiskey really easily.
    *Battle of Fallen Timbers-Whashington believed the NW Territory was critical to the security and growth of the new nation. He sent troops toOhio Valley. Native Americans clashed with Wayne's troops in 179, August 20.
  • Problems with the articles

    Problems with the articles
    There were a few problems with the articles. The main one was the debt of $52 million dollars. Also there was a disagreement about whether there should be a national bank or not. In the end the national bank was built. Another problem was that Washington viewed the political parties as dangerous and argued against the formation of them.
  • Ratification of the constitution

    Ratification of the constitution
    The constitution had to be ratified by 9 out of the 13 original states. The constitution brought out two groups of people. Federalists which included Madison, Hamilton, and Jay. these three also wrote the federalists papers. Anti-federalists which included, George mason, and Patrick henry. they didn't trust the constitution at first though. They thought too much power was given to the states and that there might be a dictatorship. They came to an agreement and the constitution was ratified.
  • Philadelphia Convention (part 1)

    This was where the Virgina plam, the New jersey plan, and the Great Compromise were discussed. Thh Virgina plan had two houses and called for porportional representation. This means reps. are based on size of the states and this pan favored large states. The New Jersey plan had one house and called for equal representation. This plan favored small states because each state would get the same number of representatives. The great Compromise was decided on. (continued on other bullet point)
  • Philadelphis Convention (PART 2)

    The great compromise took parts of each the New Jersey plan and the Virgina plan. Under the Great Compromise the legislative branch would be split into 2 houses. The senate would have set number of reps. for each state. ( New Jersey plan.) =2
    The House of Reps. would have a set number of reps. based on population ( 2 houses-Virgina Plan )
  • Arguements over constitutional Interpretation

    Arguements over constitutional Interpretation
    There were different ideas about the interpretation of the constitution. There were two groups which included the Federalists and the Domestic Republicans. Hamilton led the Federalists and believed in a strong economy based on manufacturing and trade. The Democratic Republicans were led by Jefferson who favored weak Fed. Gov. and strong State Gov. Also believed in economy based on farming.
  • First Political Parties ( not really a specific date )

    First Political Parties ( not really a specific date )
    These two groups were the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. Federalists were led by Hamilton an dthe Democratic Republicans were led by Jefferson. Both had different beliefs about the constitution.
  • Constitution

    Under the Constitution there was three branches of government. The first one was the legislative branch. This branch makes the laws and the senate and the house of representatives belong here. The second branch was the executive branch. This branch enacted/enforced the laws and the president and vice president belong here. The third branch was the judical branch. This branch interpreted the laws and the supreme court belonged here.
  • Washington's Presidency

    Washington was the first president of the United States. Since Washington was the first president he had to pick / choose hims cabinet. The cabinet members included Secretary of War; Henry Knox, Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of the Treasury; Alexande Hamilton, and last but not least Attorney General; Edmund Randolph. Washington also had to fix / make / arrange the first supreme court or in other words the first Judical branch of government.