Cold war

1950s During the Cold War

  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Who: N. Korea and Soviets v. S. Korea and US; China
    What: Soviets pushed communism in N. Korea while the U.S. didn't want it to spread.
    When: 1950-1953
    Where: N. and S. Korea; along 38th parallel
    How: Proxy war; Soviets crossed 38th parallel to fight for communism; US backed up S. Korea. US soldiers had disease; drank contaminated water. Chinese sent troops to warn US to keep away from the Yalu Territory, or they'll raise arms. Truman fired General MacArthur for raising tensions with China.
  • Guatemala elects Jacobo Arbenz

    Guatemala elects Jacobo Arbenz
    Who: Arbenz, Guatemala, US
    What: Arbenz was a supporter of Communism
    When: 1951-1954
    Where: US and Guatemala
    How: Arbenz was interested in communism, while the US strongly opposed it. The CIA was created to limit the expansion of communism in Latin America. CIA used propaganda to convince Guatemalan civilians to oppose Arbenz. Truman gave weapons to anti-Arbenz groups. 1954, US brought troops over to Guatemala to overthrow Arbenz.
  • McCarthyism Begins

    McCarthyism Begins
    Who: Primarily Joseph McCarthy, FBI, United States Communist Party
    What: The act of accusing someone of treason, specifically of being communist, without evidence
    When: 1940's into 1950, Second Red Scare of the United States
    Where: US and USSR
    Why: Public response to communism, understanding capitalism and democracy in the 50s and political takes on international occurrences
  • John Foster Dulles is Secretary of State

    John Foster Dulles is Secretary of State
    Who: John Foster Dulles, selected secretary of state by Eisenhower
    What: 1st sec.of state to have direct access to the media, and to hold regular press conferences
    When: 1953-1959
    Where: Washington D.C.
    How: Secured national mutual agreements, reducing military; weapons . Strong idea that peace can be maintained through containment of communism. Contributed to the Eisenhower Doctrine (a country in danger of another can receive military assistance and/or aid). NATO, SEATO, and the Baghdad Pact.
  • Khrushchev coming to power in Soviet Union

    Khrushchev coming to power in Soviet Union
    Who: Nikita Khrushchev
    What: Grab to power after death of Stalin
    When: March 1953-September 1958
    Where: United Socialist Soviet Republic
    Why: Transfer of power from Joseph Stalin to Georgi Malenkov being quietly overthrown
  • Rosenburg Spy Case

    Rosenburg Spy Case
    Who: Ethel and Julius Rosenburg, US judiciary system, USSR
    What: first major catalyst for McCarthyism
    When: June 1940-June 1953
    Where: Soviet Union, New York, US
    Why: Advancement of Soviet Union atomic bomb
  • US Overthrow Iranian Government

    US Overthrow Iranian Government
    Who: United States and Iran
    What: First ever US attempt to overthrow a foreign nation's government during peacetime
    When: August 15-19, 1953
    Where: Tehran, Iran
    Why: Oil crisis speculation and US involvement for personal and international gain
  • Hungarians overthrow Communist Party

    Hungarians overthrow Communist Party
    Who: Hungarian college students
    What: First threat to Soviet control in Europe
    When: October 23, 1956-November 10, 1956\
    Where: Hungary
    Why: Hungarian public tired of Soviet control in the control
  • Sputnik Launched

    Sputnik Launched
    Who: US v. Soviets
    What: Soviets launched the 1st artificial satellite
    When: 1957
    Where: Russia and US
    How: Russia launched the Sputnik. Sputnik orbited around the earth every 90 minutes. US home front felt upset and disappointed because they felt the country was behind on technology. US attempted to launch the Vanguard but failed. US accomplished the launch of the Explorer, which traveled deeper into space. This raised the tension of arms as well.
  • Fidel Castro comes to Power in Cuba

    Fidel Castro comes to Power in Cuba
    Who: Fidel Castro, Soviets, US, Fulgencio Batista
    What: Castro; Prime Minister of Cuba
    When: 1959-1976
    Where: Cuba
    How: Castro became the prime minister in 1959, with Soviet's support. Soviets traded oil for Cuban sugar (Cubans became very dependent on Soviets). Castro attempted to overthrow Fulgencio Batista (Cuban Prez) while the US supported him with economic and military aid. US distrusted Cuba as they were too friendly with the Soviets. US ended their aid for Cuba in 1961.