1850 - 1899

  • Period: to

    1850 - 1899

  • Elisha Otis introduced the safety elevator

    Elisha Otis introduced the safety elevator
    Elisha Otis introduced the safety elevator
    10 Oct 1853 http://inventors.about.com/od/estartinventions/a/Elevator.htmIn 1853, American inventor Elisha Otis demonstrated a freight elevator equipped with a safety device to prevent falling in case a supporting cable should break. This increased public confidence in such devices. In 1853, Elisha Otis established a company for manufacturing elevators and patented (1861) a steam elevator. While, Elisha Graves Otis did not actually invent the first ele
  • Louis Pasteur invents pasteurisation.

    Louis Pasteur invents pasteurisation.
    Louis Pasteur invents pasteurisation.
    10 Oct 1856 Louis Pasteur invents pasteurisation.Pasteurization or pasteurisation is a process of heating a food, which is usually a liquid, to a specific temperature for a predefined length of time and then immediately cooling it after it is removed from the heat. This process slows spoilage caused by microbial growth in the food.
  • Pierre Michaux invents a bicycle.

    Pierre Michaux invents a bicycle.
    Pierre Michaux invents a bicycle.
    2 Sep 1861 Pierre Michaux invents a bicycle.Frenchmen Pierre Michaux and Pierre Lallement took bicycle design in a new direction by adding a mechanical crank drive with pedals on an enlarged front wheel (the velocipede).
  • Christopher Scholes invents the first practical and modern typewriter.

    Christopher Scholes invents the first practical and modern typewriter.
    Christopher Scholes invents the first practical and modern typewriter.
    10 Oct 1867 http://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-history.htmlChristopher L. Sholes, a Milwaukee newspaperman, poet, and part-time inventor, was the main creator of this machine. The Sholes & Glidden typed only in capital letters, and it introduced the QWERTY keyboard, which is very much with us today. The keyboard was probably designed to separate frequently-used pairs of typebars so that the typebars would not clash a
  • Levi Strauss invented and marketed blue jeans

    Levi Strauss invented and marketed blue jeans
    Levi Strauss invented and marketed blue jeans
    10 Oct 1873 Levi Strauss invented and marketed blue jeansLevi Strauss (1829-1902) was an entrepreneur who invented and marketed b In 1873, Strauss and Jacob Davis, a Nevada tailor, patented the idea (devised by Davis) of using copper rivets at the stress points of sturdy work pants. Early levis, called "waist overalls," came in a brown canvas duck fabric and a heavy blue denim fabric. The duck fabric pants were not very successful, so were dropped
  • Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.

    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.
    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.
    10 Oct 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.Alexander Graham Bell's telephone was the one to be patented. His design resulted from trying to improve the telegraph. Bell's success with the telephone came about on March 10, 1876 when he spoke through the instrument to his assistant in the next room, Thomas A. Watson.
  • Thomas Edison invents the cylinder phonograph or tin foil phonograph

    Thomas Edison invents the cylinder phonograph or tin foil phonograph
    Thomas Edison invents the cylinder phonograph or tin foil phonograph
    10 Oct 1877 http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/recon/jb_recon_phongrph_1.htmlThe next time you listen to a favorite album, you can thank Thomas Edison for discovering the secret to recording sound. Before there were CD players and tape decks, there was the phonograph. August 12, 1877 is the date popularly given for Thomas Edison's completion of the model for the first phonograph.
  • Harim Maxim Invents the machine gun

    Harim Maxim Invents the machine gun
    Harim Maxim Invents the machine gun
    5 Jun 1884 http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWmaximgun.htmThe Maxim gun was the first recoil-operated machine gun, invented by British inventor Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim. The mechanism of the Maxim gun employed one of the earliest recoil operated firing systems in history. The idea is that the energy from the recoil is used, in lieu of a locked bolt or a lever mechanism, to eject each spent cartridge and insert the next.
  • John Pemberton Invents Coca Cola

    John Pemberton Invents Coca Cola
    John Pemberton Invents Coca Cola
    15 Apr 1886 http://inventors.about.com/od/cstartinventions/a/coca_cola.htm Colonel John Pemberton of the confederate army was wounded in the battle of Colmbus, Georgia. He was slashed across his chest and became addicted to morphine which he used for pain. He was a pharmacist so he searched for a cure to counteract this addiction. He began experimenting with coca and coca wines, eventually creating Pemberton's French Wine Coca
  • The game of basketball was created by James Naismith

    The game of basketball was created by James Naismith
    The game of basketball was created by James Naismith
    11 Mar 1892 The game of basketball was invented by James NaismithThe game of basketball was invented by James Naismith (1861-1939). Naismith was a Canadian physical education instructor who invented the game in 1891 so that his students could participate in sports during the winter. The first public basketball game was in Springfield, MA, USA, on March 11, 1892.