B4 Tommy J Slav C

  • Political Party Leader

    JFK wins democratic presidential nomination. This is why he has shown that he is the head of the political party because he has been elected presiedent of the U.S.A.
  • Chief Executive

    JFK establishes peace corps and names R. sargent shriver as director. This is an example of Executive because he handled a situation.
  • Diplomatic

    JFK proposes the long term "alliamce for progress" with latin america. This is an example of him being a diplomat because he is negotiating with a different country.
  • Chief of State

    JFK sighned cap cod nationaal seashore act creating the first national seashore park. This is an example of him being the Chief of State because he is helping his state.
  • Chief Legeslator

    JFK orders federal agencies to end discrimination against women in appointments and promotions. This is an example of him being a Legeslator because he is helping his community.
  • Commander and Chief

    JFK imposed a full quarintine of all offensive weapons in cuba. This was an act as commander and chief because he is controlling the army.
  • Executive Order

    Executive order 11110 was made by JFK on June 4, 1963. This order was supposed to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. This is an executive order because it is and order given by the president and he is using his power to do it.