
Events that happen during 1929-1939 team 3 timeline

  • over 60 percent of Americans were categorized as poor by the federal government in 1933.8.o

    over 60 percent of Americans were categorized as poor by the federal government in 1933.8.o
    By the 1930s money wasn't easy to make money.Because of the depression so people had to do what they can to live their lives happily.They had to jump trains and leave their love ones to find a job and make money. Men had to wait in lines four hours to get warm food .
  • Over 9 million savings accounts had been wiped out by the 1930 and 1933

    Over 9 million savings accounts had been wiped out by the 1930 and 1933
    the crash market had marked the beginning of a decade of high unemployments ,provety,low profits,deflation .The government was taking alot of income from framers .Lost of opportiunities for getting a job.
  • Persident Franklin D.Roosevelt was re elected

    Persident Franklin D.Roosevelt was re elected
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt was re elected for his second time in 1933 then reelected a third time in 1940.
  • Peace in he Far East

    Peace in he Far East
    linkJapan and China both agree to a peace treaty, ending a long war bewteen the two countries .
  • Assassination Attempt on Franklin Roosevelt

    Assassination Attempt on Franklin Roosevelt
    Giuseppe Zangara was the attempted assassin. He was born in Italy, came to the United States.Five shots were fired none fit Roosevelt.
  • Giuseppe Zangara, a Italian immigrant shot president Roosevel

    Giuseppe Zangara, a Italian immigrant shot president Roosevel
    Giuseppe Zangara was the attempted assassin. He was born in Italy, came to the United States.Five shots were fired none fit Roosevelt.
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer

    Hitler becomes Fuhrer
    After president Paul Von Hindenburg,Germans seeked out a new leader,The only person for the job in the eyes of the people was Adolf Hitler.
  • World's First Super Hero

    World's First Super Hero
    linkThe world's first superhero The Phantom makes its first appearance in comic books.He was a expert horseman, marksman.and a good fighter, he was based on a legned.newspaper strip (ing Features Syndicate, 17th February 1936.
  • Former president Calvin Coolidge dies at age of 60

    Former president Calvin Coolidge dies at age of 60
    Link:http://xroads.virginia.eduFromer president Clavin Coolidge dies at age of 60 . He Was The 30 President of The United States He Died Of A Heart Attack At His Home Calvin Coolidge President of the U.S he was the 30th president of United State .He died about noon of January 6.1933 he had a heart attack in his dressing room in his modest estate called The Beeches .his old his wife found Calvins body upstairs .She just came from going shopping she had found Calvin lying there dead on the floor.
  • The Japanese continued their assault on China by attacking Shanghai.

    The Japanese continued their assault on China by attacking Shanghai.
    The Japanese continued their assault on China by attacking Shanghai. The Western powers protested vigorously and sent reinforcements to defend their interests. Heavy Western pressure forced the Japanese to withdraw. The Japanese continued their assault on China by attacking Shanghai.