Immigration Timeline for Spain and Italy

  • Franco's Death

    Franco's Death
    "Redemocratization" of Spain (25) after Franco's death
  • Victory by the Socialist Workers' Party

    Victory by the Socialist Workers' Party
    Began twelve years of social democratic rule
  • Spain Joins EC, Passes LOE

    Spain Joins EC, Passes LOE
    Spanish Parliament passes Organic Law on Right and Liberties of Foreigners after joining EC, who's focus is on internal unification, but external border control and security LOE: dual purpose of protecting foreigner's rights and controlling illegal immigration -Requred entrance visas for 1st time
    -Requred work and residence permits for extended stays
    -Legal residents guaranteed right to assembly, public education, unionization
    -Provided legalization opportunity
    -Left details to regions
  • Legalization Plan

    Legalization Plan
    -Applied to illegal immigrants with ongoing work contracts, self-employed, or those who previously had residence or work status. -One year legal status with renewal contingent on persistance of work
  • Annual foreign worker program begins

    Annual foreign worker program begins
    Page 29-
    Estabished annual quotas for foreign workers in three sectors with labor shortages: agriculture (10,000 workers), unskilled construction (1,100 workers) and various services (8,500 total)
  • Plan for the Social Integration of Immigrants

    Plan for the Social Integration of Immigrants
    Page 30
    All about integration
  • Berlusconi Wins Election

    Berlusconi Wins Election
  • Center-Left Labor Coalition Takes Power in Italy

    Center-Left Labor Coalition Takes Power in Italy
  • Third legalization program

    Third legalization program
    Applying to those who had once had residence and work permits but had been unable to renew them. Created for the first time a permanent resdience status and wor permits
  • Turco-Napolitano Law

    Turco-Napolitano Law
    -Set up more precise mechanism for determining annual quota: more link to employment
    -Quota of seasonal workers
    -Foreign workers who came for quota could have residence permits renewed indefinitely without return home
    -Sponsor system
    -Family unification
    -Expanded access to social services
    -Reception centers, language instruction, cultural services
    -Created residence card
    p. 32
  • LO 4/2000

    Emphasis on integrating immigrants
    Enhanced immigrants rights
    Broadened access to social services
    Included yet another legalization program
    Extendd right to public education to all immigrant children
    All immigrants gien access to national health care, public housing, social security
  • Law 8/2000

    Law 8/2000
    In line with the new administration's tough anti-immigrant stance -Denies illegal immigrants the rights of assembly, collective bargaining, striking, and joining labor unions
    -Allows police to hold undocumented immigrants for 40 days in detention centers, and to deport within 72 hours
    -Denies rights to many social services
    -Moved responsibility to Interior Dept -more criminal focus
    -Family unification limited to immediate family
    -Legal aid and housing aid cut off to all immigrants -p. 33-4
  • Anti-immigrant coalition elected

    Anti-immigrant coalition elected
  • Plan Greco

    Plan Greco
    Launched new integration programs
  • Bossi-Fini Law

    Bossi-Fini Law
    -More closely linked legal residence with work contracts
    -Added security and police measures.
    -Did away with the sponsor system
    -If immigrants lose their job, they lose their residence permit and have six months to find new job, or they become illegal
    -"Immigrants are to come to our country for one purpose only: work. Otherwise, they will be sent back." -Page 35
  • Italy passes first comprehensive immigration law

    Italy passes first comprehensive immigration law
    "Foreign workers and the control of illegal immigration" -Passed with pressure from unions
    -Family unification
    -Access to housing
    -Nondiscrimination in services such as health care
    -Equal treatment for workers
    -Employer sanctions for illegal workers
    -Expansive legalization program