Sunrise from space 2560x1600 1

Period 4 Georgallis Foster 5 billion years

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    • The solar system began to form.
    • The sun was created by swirling particles and gases being pulled togetherby gravity.
    • collisions formed other planets, and the leftover particles circled the sun.
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    • Earth began to form by colliding space debris.
    • causing the surface of earth to melat many times as the planet was formed.
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    • organic molecules began to accumulate because the collisions of earth and space debris stopped, so the earth started the cooling process.
    • the age of earth is about 700,000 times as long as the period of recorded history.
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    • cellular life similar to archaea populated the earth
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    • lynbgya cells are grown in colonies and formed layered structures
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    • some forms of life become photosynthetic
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    • earth appeared close to what it does today
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    • oxygen levels reached the level that they are today
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    • a type of small aerobic prokaryote was engulfed by and began to live and produce inside of a larger anerobic prokaryote
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    • ozone formed - protected organisms form harmful UV rays so they could exist on land.
  • Redi's Experiment

    Redi's Experiment
    • rotting meat that is in a sealed container to keep it away from flies would not produce new flies.
    • maggots appeared only on the meat that was rotting in an open container that had been exposed to flies.
  • The First Microscope

    The First Microscope
    • was used/ invented after Redi's experiment, and was used to further examine microorganisms
  • Spallanzani's Experiment

    Spallanzani's Experiment
    • he boiled 2 flasks of chicken, and then sealed one but kept another one open. he then let the 2 flasks sit for a period of time. atfer that period of time, he saw that the flask that was left open had become cloudy, and the flask that was sealed shut had stayed clear. showing that microorganisms do not grow in broth when a container was heated and then sealed.
  • Pasteur's Experiment

    Pasteur's Experiment
    • he boiled chicken broth in a curved neck flask, and let it sit for a year. the broth had remained clear through the whole year. he then broke off the neck of the flask and let it sit. after only one day, the broth had become cloudy. showing that microorganisms do not just arise, but are carried in the air.
  • Radiometric Dating

    Radiometric Dating
    • used to establish the age of materials, such as rocks
  • Fox

    • He performed extensive research on the structure of cells; which include microspheres and coacervates.
  • Urey and Miller

    Urey and Miller
    • Performed an experiment for Oparin's hypothesis. Gases would circulated a chamber, then get an electrical shcok (substituing lightning), then go through a condenser, and in the end, simple organic compounds were produced.
  • Lynn Margulis

    Lynn Margulis
    • early prokayrotic cells may have developed a mutual beneficial realtionship
    • endosymbotic- an aerobic prokaryote was engulfed by an anerobic prokayote, creating energy off of eachother.
  • Thomas Cech

    Thomas Cech
    • Found RNA types to act as chemical catalysts. (Ribozymes). And led to further discoveries in the future.
  • Oparin's Hypothesis

    Oparin's Hypothesis
    • He believed that the early atmosphere hcontained ammonia, hydrogen gas, water vapor, and other gases such as methane gas. At high temperatures, he thought that they would create simple organic compounds (amino acids), these resulting in proteins, the macromolecules essential for life.