
Connor Green's Life and Times

  • Birth

    Connor was born on Oct 19, 2002! This is an important day in history!
  • Period: to

    Connor Green's Life

  • First Chanukah

    First Chanukah
    Connor's first Chanukah did not include presents. He enjoyed the candles and being with family.
  • 1st Birthday

    1st Birthday
    Connor's first birthday party. He had is own cake. What a mess!
  • Meeting Santa

    Meeting Santa
    Connor was excited to meet Santa! He may have been too excited.
  • 1st Bike Ride

    1st Bike Ride
    Riding a tricycle was a challenge at first. Connor quickly grew to like it.
  • Big Boy Bed

    Big Boy Bed
    Good-bye crib!. The big boy bed arrived and sleep was difficult.
  • 1st Day of Preschool

    1st Day of Preschool
    The first day of preschool was scary at first. Connor met lots of new friends and could not wait to go back the next day.
  • New Puppy - Harley

    New Puppy - Harley
    When asked what kind of dog we got, Connor said "a white dog." When asked where we got her, Connor replied, "The airport!" Harley is a Westie from Nebraska.
  • Major Surgery

    Major Surgery
    We found out Connor needed major facial cranial surgery in June. He had his surgery shortly after Halloween. "It was a big surprise when they cut my head open," Connor said. The whole process was very difficult, and Connor handled it amazingly well.
  • European Vacation

    European Vacation
    We went to Prague in the Czech Republic, and Salzburg and Vienna in Austria. Connor was a great traveler. He loved walking around, seeing the sites, even shopping. The Salt Mine, the Eagle's Nest and the Vienna street performers were his favorite adventures. The hot dog stands were his European Burger King replacements.
  • First Day at Chet's Creek

    First Day at Chet's Creek
    Connor was prepared for his first day of kindergarten. He was excited about it and ready for the challenge, except for homework! He grew to like it as he got used to it.
  • 6th Birthday

    6th Birthday
    We had a Star Wars party with lots of games. and friends. Connor could not wait to wear his Halloween costume. Everyone had a blast!
  • 8th Birthday

    8th Birthday
    LaNapolera is our favorite restaurant for birthdays. They sing Happy Birthday in Spanish, you get to wear a big hat and they give you a yummy ice cream dessert.