Chapter 31 Timeline

  • Stonewall Riots

    Stonewall Riots
    Police raid a gay bar in New York and begin to start making arrests, which leads to gay onlookers to start a massive riot.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    Neil Armstrong and others become the first men to ever walk the surface of another astronomical body other than earth.
  • Nixon is in

    Nixon is in
    Nixon beats out Humphrey in the election, becoming president.
  • Equal Rights Amendment is put through the grinder

    Equal Rights Amendment is put through the grinder
    The ERA is put up into the air. It's passage would have created no abridgement of rights regardless of race, gender, orientation, and etc. It failed to be passed however.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    The Watergate Scandal begins to unfold. Nixon's attempt to stay in power backfires and leads to his resignation.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    The case on abortion was waged off a dispute in Texas. It granted women the right to have an abortion, but it must pass the state's requirements for such a thing.
  • Israel v Egypt & Syria

    Israel v Egypt & Syria
    Israel fights a war against Egypt and Syria. The Arabs are pushed back, but Israel owes its success to Nixon and Kissenger.
  • OPEC cuts

    OPEC cuts
    OPEC slashes gasoline and oil production by 5%. Leads to a gas shortage in the U.S. and people freak out.
  • Nixon is gone!

    Nixon is gone!
    Nixon announces his resignation from the presidency over the Watergate Scandal. Had he not, he would have been impeached anyway.
  • Jimmy is in

    Jimmy is in
    Jimmy Carter wins the presidential election.
  • U.S. and China talk

    U.S. and China talk
    Both countries countries start talking peace, which was a great event at the time.
  • Iranian Hostage Crisis

    Iranian Hostage Crisis
    An american embassy in Iran is attacked, with the Americans taken hostage. Heavily strains the Carter administration, which would lead to Reagan's election.
  • Reagan wins

    Reagan wins
    Reagan is elected over Carter to be president.
  • Hostages have been Rescued

    Hostages have been Rescued
    The hostages in Iran are released, bringing relief to many.
  • First notation of AIDS

    First notation of AIDS
    The first documented case of what would later turn out to be AIDS is filed. AIDS would later to go on to kill many thousands.
  • Israel invades Lebanon

    Israel invades Lebanon
    Israel, backed by the U.S., invades and takes over Lebanon.
  • Reagan Smash!

    Reagan Smash!
    The greatest president ever is elected for another glorious 4 years of being in the presidential office.
  • INF Treaty is talked about.

    INF Treaty is talked about.
    Reagan and Gorbachev agree to remove all intermediate range nuclear missiles in their possesion out of Europe.
  • Into Panama we go

    Into Panama we go
    U.S. forces invade Panama and arrest Manuel Noriega on drug charges.