The Time Line project

By 666267
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Sir Francis Drake

    Sir Francis Drake
    Sir Francis Drake was born
    Sir Francis Drake sailed around the world during 1577-1580
  • Sir Francis Drake

    Sir Francis Drake
    Sir Francis Drake Died
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    Born: june 22 1757
    He was one of the main generals in the revolutionary war
    he is on the top 12 because our state is named after him
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    Started: January 1803
    Ended: September 23 1806
    The journey took 2 years 4 months and 10 days.
    In total they found 178 new plants and 122new species.
    why is it on the top 12 It led to active learning through exploration and introduce courtal .
  • Chief Joseph the young

    Chief Joseph the young
    He was born march 3 1840
    Died September 21 1904
    Chief of Wallowa band Nezperce
    His Indian name was hinmuuttu
    And he was a famous Indian warrior
    Why is he on the top 12 He’s the best know for the resistance to the u.s. government attempts to force his tribe out of their land.
  • Whitman Massacre

    Whitman Massacre
    murders started which included 15 people including Whitman and his wife.
  • Bertha Landis

    Bertha Landis
    Bertha Landis October 19, 1868 – November 29, 1943
    Bertha was also the first female mayor of a major city
  • William Boeing

    William Boeing
    william boeing was born
    william boeing died in 1956
    and founded the boeing company in 1916
  • The Great Seattle Fire

    The Great Seattle Fire
    happened at 2:30 pm in Seattle.
    -John E. started the fire
    -James goin died in the fire
    -Total damage is $20,000,000
    it is one of my top 12 because It helped Seattle by giving us and opportunity to remake it bigger and better and it’s a tourst attraction.
  • Frederick Weyerhaeuser

    Frederick Weyerhaeuser
    He was the first to see Canada.
    His business is worth 7.2 billion dollars
    And he has the biggest lumber camp
    he's on the top 12 because he cleared the land for houses to be build.
  • George bush

    George bush
    george bush was born
    george bush was president 2001-2009
    and was the governer of Texas 1995-2000
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Bill Gates was born
    Bill Gates in 1976 made microsoft
  • 1962 Seattle world fair

    1962 Seattle world fair
    Held from April 21 to October 21 1962.
    Over 10 million people showed up.
    its on the top 12 because it put seattle on the map.