cold war

  • NATO( North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

    NATO( North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
    Military alliance that US, Canada, and ten other countries formed. Members said they would help one another if anyone was attacked.
  • Korean Conflict

    Korean Conflict
    Kim II Sung called for a "heroic struggle" to reunite Korea. North Korean troops attacked that June, they soon overran most of the South. The United Nation condemed the invasion.
  • Nuclear Arms Race

    Nuclear Arms Race
    Soviet Union had developed nuclear weapons. Then both sides developed hydrogen bombs, these were much more destructive then atomic bombs
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Soviet Union formed thier own military alliance. It included seven other satelites. it was often invoked by the Soviets to keep the other seven in order
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    East Germany built the wall to seal off West Berlin. East Germans that were low-paid and unhappy fled to West Berlin, so to stop this flight East Germany built the Berlin Wall
  • Communist Cuba

    Communist Cuba
    The United States attemped to bring down the communist regime next door. President John F. Kennedy supportd the invasion.
  • Missile Crisis

    Missile Crisis
    Soviet Union sent nuclear missiels to Cuba. President Kennedy imposed a naval blockade that prevented further Soviet shipments. Kennedy then demanded that thy remove the nuclear missiels from Cuba. for a few days the world faced a risk of nuclear war over the issue. Finally Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiels and was was averted.
  • Chinese civil War

    Chinese civil War
    Mao launched the Great Proletarain Cultural Revolution. Its goal was to purge China of bourgeois tendencies. Teenagers formed bands of Read Gaurds, waving copies of the "Little Red Books" if you didn't have one you could of gotten beaten or killed