Cold War

  • Chinese Civil War

    Chinese Civil War
    The communists gained control of one fifth of the world's people in the year of 1949. The support of China's large peasant population was won over by Mao. The nationalists were losing popularity due to the fact the communists were growing. Mao had decided to name this program the Great Leap Forward this was known to increase the farm indesty. A drought had caused this to fail.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    In the year of 1949 the Untied States, Canada and ten other countries had formed a new military alliance which was called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The members of this group would pledge to each other if any one of them were attacked. This organization was also known as NATO.
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    Nuclear Arms Race

    The Soviet Union had developed nuclear weapons in 1949. By the year 1953 the United States and the Soviet Union both developed hydrogen bombs. Hydrogen bombs were much more destructive than atomic bombs. Critics argued that a nuclear weapon war would destroy not only one side but both sides. Both side would race to match what the other side had. This resulted into "a balance of terror."
  • Communist Cuba and Missile Crisis

    Communist Cuba and Missile Crisis
    Cuba, Soviet Union and the United States were all involved in the most serious Cold War conflict. Fidel Castro had organized an armed rebellion that was against the corrupt dictator who then had ruled China. The Soviet Union had sent nuclear missiles over to Cuba. President Kennedy then responded by imposing a naval blockade around Cuba. Later Kennedy then ordered that the Soviet Union to romove the missiles.
  • The Korean Conflict

    The Korean Conflict
    In the early twentieth century Japan had conquered Korea, taking away it's independence. During World War II after Japan was defeated, American and Soviet forces had agreed to divide Korea along the 38th parallel. North Korea invades South Korea and had pushed them back to Pusan, this had taken place in the summer of 1950. Later in the fall of 1950 North Korea forces push back to the 37 paralles. Later in 1951 they end in a stalemate.
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    Berlin Wall

    Berlin wall The city of Berlin was split into democratic West Berlin and communist East Berlin. A massive exodus of low-paid East Germans were unhappy with communism had fled into West Berlin. East Germany hap wanted to stop the flight so they had bulit a wall in 1961. It was a huge concrete wall with barbed wire on top. There were also men patrolling the area.
  • Vietnam Conflict.

    Vietnam Conflict.
    The strugle had become part of the cold war after the year of 1954.The agreement called for elections to reunite the two Vietams.These elections had never been held because the Americans had feared that the communist would then win.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Soviet Union formed it's own military alliance which was known as the Warsaw Pact. This pact also included seven satelites along with the Soviet Union. This pact was often invoked by the Soviets to keep their satellites in order. This pact divided Europe into "Eastern" and "Western." The Soviet-dominated countries were located in the East.
  • Eastern European Independence

    Eastern European Independence
    The Soviet Union had managed to maintain control over it's Eastern European satellites by force. Gorbachev had introduced glasnost and perestroika in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europeans had then began to seek greater freedom in their own countires. Then when the Soviet Union had started to fall apart, Eastern Europeans demanded that an end to Soviet domination. This time they had recieved that.
  • The Soviets in Afghanistan

    The Soviets in Afghanistan
    The Soviet Union had become involved in a long war taking place in Afganistan. The SU were fighting agaisnt majahedin or muslim religious warriors. Later in the mid-1980's the United States were smuggling modern weaponary to the majahedin. The struggle in Afghanistan had provoked a crsis in morale for the Soviets at home.
  • Falling of the Soviet Union.

    Falling of the Soviet Union.
    The Western fears of growing Soviet power had not come true. The Soviet commucism was then doomed. The signs of weakness of the Soviet system had become visible from the start. They had lost a lot of money in World War II and in Afghanistan which later lead to the crash of the Soviet Union.