
By 203973
  • Albert Einstein, Genral Theroy of Relativity

    Albert Einstein, Genral Theroy of Relativity
    This is Einsteins way of the big bang mathmatically. The equation he came up with explained it.
  • Georges Lemaitre said the universe was expanding.

    Georges Lemaitre said the universe was expanding.
    Lemaitre came to this observation because he was looking at this reddish glow that would surround objects in our glaxie.
  • Hubbles Law

    Hubbles Law
    Hubble said that glaxies are moving away from us at speeds to their distances. This proves that that the universe was once compacted.
  • Geroge Gamow

    Geroge Gamow
    He said that the universe began from a "fireball" the exploded.
  • Fred Hoyle started the term "big bang"

    Fred Hoyle started the term "big bang"
    Hoyle started this word to describe how our universe was born. Hoyle also can up with the 'steady state'
  • Alan Guth's inflation theroy

    Alan Guth's inflation theroy
    He said that the universe had a explostion before the big bang. Also, that it happened in a second.
  • Hubbles Telescope was Launched

    Hubbles Telescope was Launched
    The hubble telescope was put into space to take pictures of our galaxie. It is large in space but would be meduim size on earth.4
  • Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson