Facts about History

By had323
  • 450


    Chinese invent printing by inking carved wood blocks
  • Jan 14, 776

    Homing Pigons

    Homing pigons carry messages about the Oylimpics for the Ancient Greeks - the olympics back then were like the one's we have today
  • Jan 14, 1450

    Printing Press

    Johann Gutenberg invents a printing press using movable metal type -
  • Early Newspapers are published

    -the first printed forerunners were found in germany in the late 1400's
    -the first sucsesful newspaper was the weekly news of 1622
  • Mechanical semaphore is invented in France

    It is the first traffic sign, Claude Chap made it.
  • Ada Byron

    Ada Byron, a mathematician writes the first computer program for a computing machine desinged by Charles Babbage, but it was never built.
    -Ada Byron is the daughter5 of the famous poet Lord Byron
  • Samuel Morse invent the telegraph that can send short and long beeps called dots and dashes

    • telegraph from greek words it can send beeps
    • to talk to other people
  • Telephine

    Alexabder Graham Bell invents the telephone transmitting the sound of the voice clearly over electrical wires
  • thomas Edison invents the phonograph

    • he put Mary hasd a little lamb into it and it worked and played it back
    • the phonograph let solders put music in it and bring it off to war
  • radio signal

    Gugliermo Marconi sends the first radio signal across the Atlantis Ocean.
    -He sent a morse code letter S
    -He was in Newfoundland when he sent it
  • 3500 BC, Summerians record pictographs.

    Summerians record pictographs representing words on clay tablets.
  • the ofirst pictures are transmitted over telephones

    • it is called a fax machince
    • in 1865 it was released in stores
  • Neanderthals

    Neandrthal carves a picture on a woolly mammoth tooth -
  • E-mail

    The first E-mail messages are sent
    -the two computers that the computer that sent the E-mail and the one that received it were side by side
    - Ray Tomlinson sent an Email to his friends explaining how to send an Email
  • the personal computer, both small and powerful,is invented

    in early 1975 the computer is invented
    the computer was made in 1972
  • Tim berners-Lee invents the world wide web

    • it was a hyper text editor
    • it could help Analize things
  • Browser

    Mard Andreeson creates the first browser program, allowing people to navagate the web
    -The browser he invented was called Mosaic
    -At that time it acounted for 1% of internet traffic
  • Period: to


  • rags to paper

    The Chinese make paper from rags
    -Chinese paper making is over 2,000 years old
    -paper was so prized that you were forbidden to step on it
  • Postal system

    Chinese develop postal sytem to deliver written messages -
  • Mechanical semaphore

    Mechanical semaphore is inventeed in france -
  • Byzantine ship captains use colored flags to send signals

    • the Admrial gave signals to use for the signals
    • they had to put it at different heights