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10 Events learned in History Class

By srrams
  • Prohibition

    Prohibition was a time were the 18th Amendment was put into place. This amendment was that the consumption, production, transportation, import, and export of alcohol was illegal. Prohibition was a time of organized crime and gangsters. Underground bars called Speakeasies became fashionable and a common place to go during the time period.
  • The Stock Market Crash

    The Stock Market Crash
    The day of the Stock Market Crash is also known as Black Tuesday. On this day, the DJIA, or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, dropped from 381 to 198. Many factors closed and farmers went bankrupt. The unemployment rate increased to 25%.
  • World War II

    World War II
    The start of World War II was in 1940 when Japan invaded France Indochina and captured Saigon, Vietnam. Japan, France, Russia, Italy, Germany, and Britain. These countries were divided into the Axis and Allied Powers. In 1945, World War II started to come to an end. At the Yalts Conference, the US and Britain agreed to Soviet occupation of postwar Europe.
  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    The Agricultural Revolution started in 1945. This time period lead to a major change in the way farming was done. During this time, farmers made the change from using horses to perform farming jobs to instead using tractors. This was a start to a complete new way of farming.
  • The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
    The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict started with the creation of Israel in 1947. Both Israel and Palestine want control of Jerusalem because it is the Holy Land for both faiths. Palestinians who lived in the area before Israel was created were forced to live in camps so there would be more room for the Jews. There is still a threat of terroism in Israel.
  • Genocide in Tibet

    Genocide in Tibet
    Tibet was discriminated against by China. China felt that Tibet was a part of China, even though Tibet has different myths, religious symbols, and language. China put population control measures into action in order to stop the population in Tibet from growing. One population measure that was put into place was forced sterilization. In 1959, 6 million Tibetans had been killed by armed Chinese soldiers in the streets of Tibet.
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Montgomery Bus Boycott was when African Americans took a stand against segregation on buses. The person who was the start of this boycott was Rosa Parks. In 1955 she refused to move her seat on the bus for a white man. She was arrested for this action. Other African Americans just like Rosa Parks also boycotted the Montgomery Bus department. The boycott was lead by Martin Luther King Jr.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was constructed to separate East and West Germany. The East Germany Administrator thought of the idea of the Berlin Wall. It was made as an effort to stop labor and economic drain from East to West, which hurt Communist bloc economically and politically. The wall successfully decreased emigration. On November 1989, the Berlin Wall was dismantled.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    President Carter was elected in 1977. He was a Democratic President. His goal was to establish a department of Energy, Education and calls for a tax reform bill. President Carter was considered an outsider. During his presidency, there was a stop to American aid to dictators. President Carter valued the idea of equal rights to all.
  • NGO

    In class, we learned about NGO's. An NGO is a non-governmental organization. The NGO that I looked up is called Stay Alive. It's mission is to address the HIV/AIDS problem growing in Afica and other parts of the world. The organization targets children ages 9-14 and teaches them how to make smart decisions. The NGO was founded in 2001 and is not funded by the government.