10 Cold War events

  • Communist party declared illegal in West Germany

    Both the United States and the Soviet Union tried to tighten their control over their 'satellites' within their own spheres of influence.
  • Communist ministers were dismissed from the coalition governments in Italy and France

    Because of the communist party becoming illegal, the communist ministers were no longer allowed to serve.
  • Ference Nagy, (the democratically elected Prime Minister of Hungary) was forced to flee for his life.

    Ference Nagy, (the democratically elected Prime Minister of Hungary) was forced to flee for his life.
    Stalin, also intervened in the domestic politics of the Eastern European countries.
  • Soviet Union established the communist information burea

    Soviet Union established the communist information burea
    The burea was created to spread communit propaganda to all European countries and co-ordinate the activities of the member communist parties in their struggle against Anglo-American imperialism.
  • Soviet Union desired to kill the Czech's desire for independence

    Soviet Union desired to kill the Czech's desire for independence
    Stalin ordered the Czech communists to arrest the leading figures of the democratic parties.
  • U.S government intervened the Italian election

    U.S government intervened the Italian election
    The American diplomats urged the Italian voters to support the Christion Dimplomatic party and threatened that if the communist party won the election, America would stop its' financial aid to Italy.
  • The People's republic, under Mao Zedong, was proclaimed to China

    The People's republic, under Mao Zedong, was proclaimed to China
    Overnight, the Communist influence seemed to have extended into the very heart of Asia and onto the door step of Japan.
  • North Korean troops began to invade South Korea

    North Korean troops began to invade South Korea
    They try to unify Korea and set up a communist regime for the whole nation. (Picture is of North Korean troops)
  • An armistice was arranged, and it was agreed that Korea remained diveded among its' 38th parallel.

    An armistice was arranged, and it was agreed that Korea remained diveded among its' 38th parallel.
    The war ended in a virtual stalemate at the 38th parallel.
  • When the most critical phase of the Cold War was over

    When the most critical phase of the Cold War was over
    Both Russia and the U.S had organized the satellites into opposing alliances.