Edad contemporanea e1562633629626

Eje cronológico 1ª evaluación. Laura Parejo García.

  • Period: 1453 to

    El Antiguo Régimen.

    Fue el sistema político,social y económico de Europa en los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Está situado en la Edad Moderna. Este sistema se caracteriza por tener una sociedad estamental, una economía agraria y una monarquía absoluta como forma de gobierno Su desaparición supondrá el paso a la Edad Contemporánea.
  • Montesquieu.

    Was one of the greatest philosophers of the Enlightenment. He lived in France in the late Modern Age (18th century). Montesquieu was born in France. He was known for his theory of separation of powers: legislative, executive and judicial. He wrote "The spirit of the Laws". His political ideas greatly influenced the French Revolution.
  • Voltaire.

    He was one of the greatest philosophers of the Enlightenment, who lived in France in the late Modern Age (18th century). He was born in France. Voltaire was famous for his advocacy of civil liberties, including freedom of religion and separation of church and state. He wrote "Candide". His political ideas greatly influenced the French Revolution.
  • Rousseau.

    He was one of the greatest philosophers of the Enlightenment, who lived in France in the late Modern Age (18th century). Rousseau was born in Switzerland. He defended the idea that sovereignty should be in people's hands. He wrote "The Social Contract". His political ideas greatly influenced the French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    La Ilustración.

    Movimiento intelectual que defendía el uso de la razón, que surge en Francia y se extiende por Europa durante el siglo XVIII (Edad Moderna). Este movimiento cuestionó los principios del Antiguo Régimen, e influyó en el nacimiento y en el seguimiento del Liberalismo.
  • Adam Smith.

    Adam Smith.
    He was one of the greatest philosophers and economist of the Enlightenment, who lived in Scotland (Great Britain) in the Late Modern Age (18th century). He was born in Scotland. Adam Smith argued against the regulation of trade and defended a free market economy. He wrote "The wealth of Nations". He is considered the father of economic liberalism and capitalism.
  • George Washington.

    George Washington.
    He was the 1st president of the United States. He was born in Virginia in the 18th century. He lived in the late Modern Age and early Contemporany Age. He was a military leader, and he lead the United States to the victory. He's considered one of the American Founding Fathers.
  • James Watt.

    James Watt.
    He was an Scottish inventor, a mechanical, an engineer, and a chemist. He lived in England in the late Modern Age and in the early Contemporany Age.He was the inventor of the steam engine.
  • Thomas Jefferson.

    Thomas Jefferson.
    He was the 3rd president of the United States. He was born in Virginia in the 18th cetury. He lived in the United States in the late Modern Age and early Contemporany Age. He was a powerful advocate of liberty, and he was the principal author of the Declaration of Indeoendence. He's considered one of the American Founding Fathers.
  • Enciclopedia.

    Obra creada en Francia en el siglo XVIII (Edad Moderna), en la que se difundían ideas ilustradas en artículos separados. Creada por Diderot y D' Alembert.
  • Louis XVI.

    Louis XVI.
    He was the king of France during the French Revolution. He was born in Versalles in the 18th century. He lived in France in the late Modern Age and early Contemporany Age. He supported the colonists in the American War of Independence. Louis was found guilty oftreason and executed at the guillotine.
  • Robespierre.

    He was a french lawyer and politician. He was born in France in the 18th century. He lived in France in the late Modern Age and early Contemporany Age. He becamed leader of jacobins during the French Revolution, and he becamed dictator during the Reign of Terror. He was one of the most influential figures of teh French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    La Revolución americana.

    Fue un conflicto político que se inició a comienzos del siglo XVII, se inició cuando los primeros colonos ingleses llegaron a la costa este de América del Norte. A mitad del siglo XVIII se habían formado allí las Trece Colonias.
  • Napoleón Bonaparte.

    Napoleón Bonaparte.
    He was military and a political leader. He was born in France in the 18th century. He lived in France in the late Modern Age and early Contemporany Age. He defended some liberal ideas and he created the Napoleon Empire. He was one ofthe most influential figures of the French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    La Primera Revolución Industrial.

    La Primera Revolución Industrial, surgió en Gran Bretaña entre los siglos XVIII y XIX.
    Surgieron varios inventos, como las máquinas de vapor, las hiladoras, las tejedoras, el barco de vapor y la locomotora de vapor.
    La energía que utilizaban era el vapor (quemando carbón mineral). Utilizaban el telégrafo para comunicarse.
    Habían dos sectores : la 1ª industria textil algodonera y la 2ª industria siderúrgica. Las empresas eran pequeñas y de tipo familiar.
  • George Stephenson.

    George Stephenson.
    He was a British mechanical engineer and a civil engineer who built the world's first public railway line using steam locomotives. He lived in the late Modern Age and in the early Contemporany Age.
  • Period: to

    La Revolución francesa.

    La Revolución Francesa fue un conflicto social y político, que surgió en Francia a finales del siglo XVIII. Se produjo esta revolución para poder poner fin al Antiguo Régimen. Sus causas fueron las siguientes: Un descontento social, una crisis económica, y algunas ideas ilustradas.
  • Constitución.

    Norma suprema de un Estado en la que el resto de las leyes del Estado deben adaptarse a esta norma fundamental. Surge desde finales de la Edad Moderna hasta principios de la Edad Contemporánea. Ocurre desde finales del siglo XVIII hasta la actualidad. La constitución garantiza los derechos y deberes de los ciudadanos, y define la organización del Estado y la relación entre los diferentes poderes.
  • Abraham Lincoln.

    Abraham Lincoln.
    He was the 16th president of the United States. He was born in Kentucky in the 19th century. He lived in the United States in the early Contemporany Age. He defended the emancipation of all the slaves during the American civil war. He was one of the greatest american leaders.
  • Pierre Joseph Proudhon.

    Pierre Joseph Proudhon.
    He was a French anarchist philosopher, politician and revolutionary.
    He opposed any form of state along with Mikhail Bakunin. They aspired to replace it with voluntary associations between people.
    In 1843 he wrote two important works: The creation of order in humanity and The system of economic contradictions or the Philosophy of misery.
  • Mijail Bakunin.

    Mijail Bakunin.
    He was a politician, a philosopher, a sociologist and a Russian anarchist revolutionary.
    He advocated that anarchism and the method of direct action would lead humanity to its redemption. He vindicated atheism, the abolition of classes, the equality of the sexes, the common ownership of the land and all riches. He lived in the Contemporany Age.
  • Karl Marx.

    Karl Marx.
    He was a German economist, philosopher, sociologist, journalist, intellectual and politician of Jewish origin. He created the Marxism together with Friedrich Engels, where they formulated their theories. They asserted that in industrial societies there is a class struggle between oppressors and oppressed.
  • Friedrich Engels.

    Friedrich Engels.
    He was a German philosopher, political scientist, sociologist, historian, journalist, revolutionary, and communist and socialist theorist, friend and collaborator of Karl Marx. He lived in the Contemporany Age. He founded the Marxist theory together with Karl Marx.
  • Thomas Alva Edison.

    Thomas Alva Edison.
    He was an American inventor, a scientist and a businessman. He developed many devices that had a great influence around the world, such as the phonograph, the movie camera or a durable incandescent light bulb. He lived in the Contemporany Age.
  • Marxismo.

    Es un movimiento creado por Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels en el siglo XIX. En este movimiento afirmaban que en las sociedades industriales existe una lucha de clases entre opresores y oprimidos. Identificaban a los opresores con la burguesía, y a los oprimidos con los obreros.
  • Period: to

    La Segunda Revolución Industrial.

    Esta revolución, surgió a partir del 1870.
    Se inventó el horno Bessemer, los cascos de hierro para los barcos y hélices, y las camas frigoríficas.
    Se dividían en tres sectores: Industria siderúrgica, industria eléctrica e industria química.
    Las energías que utilizaban eran la electricidad y el petróleo.
    El método de comunicación que utilizaban era el telégrafo, el teléfono y la radio.
    Este proceso es liderado por EEUU y Alemania, y Gran Bretaña pierde la primacía mundial.