WWII timeline

  • Japanese invasion of china

    conflict that broke out when China began full-scale resistance to the expansion of Japanese influence in its territory (which had begun 1937. In an effort to unseat the Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek, a stalemate then ensued, and Japanese forces were diverted to Southeast Asia and to the Pacific theater of World War II against the Western Powers and their allies beginning. In late 1941, Japan’s defeat in that by the Allies in 1945 ended its occupation of China.
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    Rape of Nanking

    In December of 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army marched into China's capital city of Nanking and proceeded to murder 300,000 out of 600,000 civilians and soldiers in the city.
  • Ribbentrop Pact

    Hitler and Stalin signed a non-agression pact, called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty. Secret protocols of the treaty defined the territorial spheres of influence Germany and Russia would have after a successful invasion of Poland.
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    Germany's invasion of Poland

    After heavy shelling and bombing, Warsaw surrendered to the Germans on September 27, 1939. The Soviet Union invaded eastern Poland on September 17, 1939.
  • Fall of Paris

    The Germans launched a major offensive on Paris on 9 June, and on 13 June Paris was declared an open city, as the French government fled to Bordeaux.
  • Operation of Barbossa

    A cover up name for the invasion of the Soviet Union
  • Pearl harbor

    On this day, Japanese planes attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. The bombing killed more than 2,300 Americans
  • Bataan Death march

    Bataan Death March, march in the Philippines of some 66 miles that 76,000 prisoners of war were forced by the Japanese military to endure in April 1942, during the early stages of World War II.
  • Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway was one of the most important battles of World War II
  • Warsaw Ghetto uprising

    Many Jews in ghettos across eastern Europe tried to organize resistance against the Germans and to arm themselves with smuggled and homemade weapons. Between 1941 and 1943, underground resistance movements formed in about 100 Jewish groups. The most famous attempt by Jews to resist the Germans in armed fighting occurred in the Warsaw ghetto.
  • Operation Gomorrah

    On this day in 1943, British bombers raid Hamburg, Germany, by night in Operation Gomorrah, while Americans bomb it by day in its own “Blitz Week.”
  • Liberation of the concentration camps

    Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate concentration camp prisoners in the final stages of the war.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad was a major battle of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia.
  • Battle of Iwo jima

    The American amphibious invasion of Iwo Jima during World War II stemmed from the need for a base near the Japanese coast. Following elaborate preparatory air and naval bombardment, three U.S. marine divisions landed on the island in February 1945.
  • Operation Thunderclap

    The plan envisaged a massive attack on Berlin in the belief that would cause 220,000 casualties with 110,000 killed.
  • VE day

    Victory over Europe
  • Potsdam Declaration

    The Japanese Surrender is a statement that called for the surrender of all Japanese armed forces during World War II.
  • VJ Day

    Victory over Japan Day in United States of America
  • Dropping of the atomic bonbs

    a plane called the Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.A second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, where 80,000 Japanese people perished.
  • The invasion of italy

    It was practice for the D-Day landings, which would be much more important.