WWII by yours truly SAM LINDSEY!!!

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination
    When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in the middle of 1914 it was considered to be the beginning of WWI.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    The Russian revolution was a period of time where people called for an abolishment of the monarchy that was in place at the time. Leading to the Bolshevik establishment of The Soviet Union
  • Paris Peace Conference.

    Paris Peace Conference.
    The Paris Peace Conference was a conference following the conclusion of WWI to see what the Allies were going to do with the central powers to help maintain peace so another war doesn't break out.
  • Adolf Hitler Beer Hall Putsch

    Adolf Hitler Beer Hall Putsch
    This was a failed attempt at a coup by the Nazi Party which Hitler was the leader of he was convicted of treason and throw behind bars where he would write the infamous "Mein Kampf" where he laid out his struggle.
  • Mussolini march on Rome

    Mussolini march on Rome
    It was a massive demintration which lesad to the Benito Mussolini national facist party to accend into power in Italy and begun facist rule there.
  • Stalin’s First Five Year Plan

    Stalin’s First Five Year Plan
    Stalin had a plan to increase industrialization by developing heavy into the industries' large agricultural collections cause a drastic fall in consumer goods in the soviet union.
  • Second Italo-Ethiopian War

    Second Italo-Ethiopian War
    A war fought between Italy and Ethiopia. Italy won due to their advanced weapon technology which heavily favored them over the Ethiopian army.
  • Rape of Nanjing/Nanking in China

    Rape of Nanjing/Nanking in China
    The Rape of Nanjing was a massacre mass murder committed by the imperial Japanese troops against residents of Nanjing China. Japanese troops did unthinkable things during this time like killing wars where they would run around and kill the people of Nanjing like it was a game.
  • Germany violates the Treaty of Versailles by reoccupying the Rhineland

    Germany violates the Treaty of Versailles by reoccupying the Rhineland
    Germany violated the term of the treaty of Versailles which was a peace agreement signed at the end of WWI to prevent another world war from happening. After a while, though Hitler slowly starting taking his industrial lands back to get ready for another war the industrial land which was the Rhineland and the slowly built up the industry and then was ready for war.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Was civil war fought between the nationalist against the Republican government. It was a very bloody civil war caused by the great depression It was a war fought between the upper and lower class.
  • France surrenders to the Axis Powers

    France surrenders to the Axis Powers
    Just six weeks after Germany launched the invasion on France they surrendered they also used the Blitzkrieg tactic on France so they easy blew through allied powers that were stationed in Itaty
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    Battle of Guadalcanal
    The battle of Guada canal was a major victory for allies in the pacific theater it was a huge offensive win for the allies took control of an airbase.
  • Germany’s blitzkrieg on Poland

    Germany’s blitzkrieg on Poland
    Germany decided to invade Poland by using a tactic known as a blitzkrieg they sent all their forces everything an absolute crushing force on Poland at this time The Soviet Union was on the German side so it was a pretty easy pick-up win for Germany.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    The bombing of the naval base pearl harbor was the ending point for the U.S in isolation they declared war on the axis powers. Pulled the U.S out of isolation and into war.
  • Battle of El Alamein

    Battle of El Alamein
    This battle that took place in Egypt was a halting point for the Axis powers in the war it was kinda the turning point in the war it prevented the axis powers from advancing any futher.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad was a costly mistake by the axis powers to try to take stalingrad everyone knows don't invade The Soviet union the weather was the main factor in this axis loss and the willingness to fight the soviets dropped by the Axis powers.
  • D-Day

    The Normandy landings or operation overlord was a costly but necessary seaborne invasion to fight back a stronghold for the Nazi's a direct way to fight the nazis.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Was pretty much the end of the war in the pacific theater The U.S dropped an atomic bomb on two major cities in Hiroshima and Nagasaki crippling the Japanese are there for ending the war the pacific.
  • MacArthur’s Plan for Japan

    MacArthur’s Plan for Japan
    He wanted to punish the war criminal from the war in the pacific theater and make a public way for japan to surrender to make sure the war doesn't start back up because the Japanese believe that surrendering is a disgrace and that you should never surrender.
  • Potsdam conference

    Potsdam conference
    It was a conference of the allied powers to discuss war criminals and what to do with the land acquired by the Germans in the war this is when the Soviets started to split away from the pact and do their own thing.
  • United Nations formed

    United Nations formed
    The united nations was formed to create "bonds" between countries to prevent another world war it promotes social progress and many other things to creates friendships between countries
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    It was a program to help rebuild Europe following the war since most of all of the war were fought over there and to help bring peace in Europe.
  • NATO formed

    NATO formed
    NATO was formed to combat the rise of communism and create security from the soviet union.
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    Warsaw Pact formed
    The Warsaw Pact was formed by the soviet union to counterbalance the formation of NATO.