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  • Japanese Invaded China

    Japan is a small island with limited and lacking resources. China is nearby and plentiful in resources. After the incident at the Marco Polo bridge, where both sides fired shots, Japan used it as a reason to invade the land and begin warfare.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    First used on the Polish, before it was later initiated on Belgium once Poland fell. It was a new tactic to conserve lives and attack in a further concentrated front of heavy weaponry. It was their new go-to way of attack. Poland fell within weeks.
  • Germany's Invasion of Poland

    Germany's pact with the Soviet's for equal portions of Poland ensured the Soviets wouldn't stop their planned invasion. Hitler believed acquiring Poland for Germany could increase more space and land for the German people. Once the British and French found out, they declared war shortly after, beginning WW2.
  • Fall of Paris

    France asked for help against the invading Germans, but Winston Churchill steered around bringing in troops, and helped Roosevelt to offer material assistance.The march of German forces began, conquering country after country. When they reached Paris, an announcement of a new curfew was broadcast, and luckily 2 million Parisians managed to escape before German troops rolled in that evening.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    a code name for an invasion of Axis powers into Soviet territory. Over three million German soldiers, 150 divisions, and three thousand tanks smashed across the frontier into Soviet territory. Germans came into unknown territory losing power and supplies by the time they reached Moscow. the weather conditions forced them to a halt and the Soviets were able to bounce back, ultimately putting Germany in the middle of a two front war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    One of the worst attacks on our military to date. The bombing of Pearl harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii killed thousands of sailors and civilians from Japanese forces. 20 of our ships still lay in the reef having sunk. It was a purposeful attack, intending to get the US to declare war on Japan and join WW2. 2,403 sailors and civilians died, over 1,000 wounded. the very next day Roosevelt came to Congress asking to declare war and it passed.
  • Wansee Conference

    High ranking Nazi party and German Govt official gathered in a Berlin suburb to discuss the solution of the Jewish nation(genocide). They discussed mass sterilization and deportation to Madagascar. Heydrich proposed transporting Jews around corners of Europe and slaving them to death. Later, the gas chambers were killing about 1,000 people a day, and it proved to be the most effective solution.
  • Bataan Death March

    The US must surrender the Bataan peninsula of the Philippines. About 75,000 troops were forced to walk 65 miles to prison camps. The heat was intense and the Japanese guards were tough, only the strongest survived and the rest dropped like flies.
  • Battle of Midway

    6 months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the war was underway with the US and Imperial Japan. American planes were not successful in inititially, but we made up for it with forces and brute strength. US Naval forces and Air Force sunk four fleet carriers, and a heavy cruiser. Our Air Force came through to bring down 322 aircrafts and killed over 5000 Japanese sailors.
  • Warsaw Ghetto uprising

    Over 400,000 people were confined to an area of 1 sq mile. Trapped like mice in a cage, with the Nazi's daring them to try to escape so they could shoot them down. Several hundred resistance fighters banded together and outnumbered the Nazi's, seemed to be holding their own. However, the Germans systematically razed through buildings, killing and destroying everything. By May 16, the ghetto was back under Nazi control, and they blew up the Great Jewish Synagogue in a symbolic act of power.
  • Operation Gomorrah

    British bombers lay havoc on Germany by night, and Americans by day. In Hamburg, Germany, Gomorrah was a hard plan of siege against the 167 civilian deaths caused by Germany in Britain. They dropped 2,300 tons of incendiary bombs disguised from Germany air traffic control. the attacks raved until November, but more bombers were getting dropped as the Germans figured out the jamming technique.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Hitler tried to split Allied forces to weaken their ranks,and we were caught off guard, but our ranks formed a sort a bulge, pushing through and defeated the Germans with heavy casualties, under the direction of Gen. George Patton. A lack of German resources and supplies helped to secure the victory.
  • D-Day Normandy invasion

    Germany had occupied France, and over 156,000 American, British, and Canadian troops stormed the banks. This invasion was the end- game of a large scale deception on German forces. Germany knew they'd strike, not when or where. the Allied powers were a success, and marched across France, removing Germany from France.
  • Liberation of Concentration Camps

    Soviet military were the first to find the tired sickly people in Auschwitz. Their were tens of thousands of pairs of shoes, but only a couple hundred prisoners alive. The Americans were responsible for liberating Buchenwald and Dachau, and Brits liberated Bergen-Belsen. The Germans tried to hide the evidence before fleeing, but the body counts were far too great, bodies stacked like cord wood, and those alive were living skeletons.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    The island was defended by nearly 23,000 Japanese troops. The Japanese changed tactics, Moving further inland rather than along the beaches, which initially helped them, but later pinned them down in costly defeat. They had many elaborate caves and tunnels hidden but soon they were all wiped out.
  • Operation Thunderclap

    A plan thought out but never implemented, intended to lay a massive air attack on Berlin causing 200,000 casualties, targeted at the Germans.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Over 180,000 troops burst in for this last and final battle versus Japan. This invasion was to make a final push to Japan, and occupy the surrounding islands. Germany was weeks away from their surrender, but we were still pounding at Japan's islands.
  • VE Day

    Victory for the Allied Forces! A national holiday of the surrender of German forces. An end to 6 years of suffering and misery. The war cost lives to millions,destroyed homes, families, and entire cities.The celebration was huge and brought so much happiness to everybody across the world.
  • Dropping of Atomic Bombs

    Truman was warned of heavy causalities from the still raging Japanese front, and ordered the 5 ton atomic bomb to be dropped on Hiroshima. the blast was huge, killing 80,000 people immediately, and 40,000 more within days. To Truman's advisory's predictions, Japan surrendered days following. The land where the bomb detonated is still radiated, and is thought to have sparked the competition of the infamous Cold War.
  • VJ Day

    Celebrations were in progress! Japan has surrendered officially and its a victory for America. A long, bloody, costly war has come to a close.