
  • Japanese invasion of china

    in 1930 china was divided. 1937 Chiang kai-shek had a nationalist government. Mao tse tung's opposed with communists. in 1930 the war between nationalist and communists erupted. period of mao's legendary "long march"
  • Rape of Naking

    japanese marched into the capital of china.soliers murder 300,000 of 600,000 civilians and soldiers in the city. six weeks of carnage represented single worst atrocity in the war.
  • german blitzkrieg

    "lightning war" this is a military tatic. this tatic creats disorganization among enimy forces. results in short military campains. firist tried in1939 in poland and successfully employed in their invasion of belgium. german commander erwin rommel used this tatic in north africa. american general george patton also adopted this tatic for european operations
  • Germany's invasion of poland

    some 1.5 million German troops invaded poland at 4:45 a.m. at the sametime german luftwaffe bombed polish airfields. German ships polish naval forces in Baltic sea. Hitler claimed invasion as defensive action. Britan and France declared war September 3rd on Germany.
  • Fall of paris

    Germans put a curvew for 8 p.m for the paris as they entered and occupied paris. British prime minister tried to convince French to hold on and that americans would come to their aid. French asked for Roosevelt for any type of help.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Before 8a.m Japanese fighter planes attack american naval base. this lasted two hours but extreamly devastating. nearly 20 vessels web desteoyed 8 batttle ships and more than 300 airplains.more than 2,000 americans soldiers ailled and another 1,000 wounded. after the attack FDR asked to declare war on japan. Germany and Italy also declared war 3 days later. America finally joined the war after 2 years of it going on.
  • Wannsee conference

    Nazi party 15 high-ranking and german government officles gathered at a villa in berlin suburb. they discussed and coordinated the implementation of "final solution of the jewish question".
  • Bataan Death March

    U.S surrendered Bataan peninsula to Japan. around 75,000 filipino and american troops had to march 65- miles to prison camps. they had to march in intense heat and extreamly harsh treatment. thousands perished.
  • Battle of midway

    only 6 monthsafter pearl harbor. one of the most decisive naval battles of ww2.advances in eode breaking helped to counter Japand ambush.inflicting permanent damage on japanese navy. turning point in pacific campaign and allowed U.S. and allies to move to offensive position.
  • Battle of stalingrad

    Febuary 2,1943, was the successful soviet defence. concidered to be the greatest battle of the whole conflict. stopped Gearman advance and became a turning point in the war. one of the bloodiest historical battles, nearly 2 million civilian deaths.
  • warsaw ghetto uprising

    Residents of jewish ghetto in Nazi warsaw, poland, stratagized a revolt to exterminate the camp. this revolt inspired other revolts to exterminate more camps.
  • D Day

    Allied liberation of western Europe from Nazi control. Some 156,000 America, British, and Canadian's landed on 5 beaches streaching over 50 miles on the coast of frances normandy region. extensive planning for the largest military assault. conducted a large scale deception to mislead the germans about invasion target. late Augest northern France was liberated.
  • liberation of concentration camps

    soviet soldiers were the first to liberate prisioners in final stages. they entered polands camp Majanek, and later overran many7 other killing areas. January 27, 1945 they invaded Auchwitz and found many sick and exhausted prisioners. these prisioners were left in the germans rush to leave. belongings left behind in cluding 348,820 men's suits, 836,255 women's coats, and tens of thousands of shoes.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Hitler tried to split the allied armies in Europe by a suprise Blitzkrieg thrust. American units caught off gaurd fought to keep Germans advance at St. Vith. third army vital to allied defense, neutralization of german counter offence despite heavy casualties.
  • Battle of iwo jima

    this was caused by the need for a base near Japanese coast.their was roughly 23,000 japanese troops were defending Jima.after a monthof fighting the marines whiped out the enimey. sent photos showing the flag raise as fore a victory.
  • Battle of okinawa

    biggest and last pacific battle in ww2. 287,000 troops were invloved in okinawa. at stake was air base. projected invasion from Japan. japan lost around 77,000 soldiers by the end of 82-days, whil the allies suffered 65,000. 14.000 dead
  • VE Day

    VE Day was the Victiory in Europ. V day was a public holiday. they defeat of the Nazi war machine. soviet surrendered after lose of more than 8,000 soldiers and Germans lostconsiderably more. celebrated in Britain and america after the victory.
  • Potsdam Declaration

    after bombing Nagasaki, Japan unconditional surreder. president harry s. truman ordered a hault on atomic bombing.
  • Dropping the atomic bombs

    An american B-29 bomer droped the first atomic bomb. the bomb wiped out 90% of the city and killed about 80,000 people. the second bomb killed around 40,000 people.
  • VJ Day

    This was the day that it was announced that Japan surrendered. ending ww2. Auguest 14-15 are known as "Victory over Japan day", also september 2nd 1945, Japan formally surrendered. Japan capitulation in pacific caused 6 years of hostilities.