
World War II Events

  • The "Night of Broken Glass"

    The "Night of Broken Glass"
    Violence broke out all over Germany against Jews due to an asassination of a german official from a jewish teenager. Angered germans ran through Germany destroying jewish businesses, homes, hospitals, and even killing Jews. This affected the war because it was a push towards the war.
  • Poland Gets Invaded

    Poland Gets Invaded
    This event is important because it is the first of many countries taken over by Germany. Germany invaded Poland and took it over within weeks! France and Britain declared war on Germany after this event because both countries knew Germany was coming for them next. Because of this event, Russia and Germany became allies for a small period of time.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    This date is important because it is the first day German airplanes bombed Britain. On this day 120 bombers attacked a British convoy and 70 more attacked a dockyard in South Wales. This was the first bombing over a 3 and 1/2 month period time of bombing between Germany and Britain. Britain had a few advantages from theses attacks like good radars and faster/stealthier airplanes.
  • German Invasion of Russia

    German Invasion of Russia
    This day is important because Germany and Russia signed an agreement to become allies and take over Poland. Hitler, selfish of course, didn't care about the treaty obviously because over 3.9 million Germans invaded the USSR on this day. This attempt to take over Russia failed greatly as the russian winter killed a large quantity of the german soldiers.
  • Auschwitz

    This date is important because it is the date that the largest german concentration camp was created. More than 1 million jews, homos, and italians were killed in this camp due to gas chambers, slave labor, or just executed. In 1945, the camp was shut down and 60,000 prisoners were moved.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    This event, in my opinion, is the most important event during World War 2 because Japan sent airplanes over and bombed our air base in Hawaii. After this day, all americans came together and decided we were ready to get into the fight. This also pushed us to help all enemies of Germany because they were allied with Japan.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This was a very important day because it was a large victory for the US. This battle between the US and Japan lasted 4 days in air and sea as the outnumbered US fleet took out 4 aircraft carriers and lost one ship. Another reason this was important is because the japanese navy was undefeated until this point.
  • Declaring War on Germany

    Declaring War on Germany
    This date is important because it is when Italy declared war on their former axis partner, Germany. This was a spark initated between these two countries as we see later that the US helps Italy. The US and Italy were stronger once they came together as allies to attack Germany.
  • D-Day

    This day was argueably the most important day in World War 2 because it was the push for freedom of the Western side of Europe. 156,000 american, canadian, and british troops stormed the 50-mile stretch of Normandy, France. This date took a lot of planning and force because the US attempted to trick the germans of the attacking point they were trying to win over, while they obviously were going after a different spot.
  • Hitler's Death

    Hitler's Death
    This day is importnat because it's the day Adolph Hitler killed himself. His army didn't know what to do since he killed himself. He shot himself in a bunker with his wife as they spent 40 last hours together. She took a pill of poisin called Cyonide. They took comitted suicide in Berlin, Germany where the were surrounded and had no chance of escape.
  • V.E Day

    V.E Day
    This day is important because it is the official day of surreneder of Hitler's reigh. The solediers finally laid down their weapons this day. This day is now a holiday in America and Great Britain. After all the german troops surrendered across the globe, many troops ran in attempt to not be taken prisoner by enemy forces.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    The importance in this date is that even though Iwo Jim is a small island, it has great tactical importnace because this is where most of the japanese airplanes are based. We dropped the first atomic bomb on it after we were angered from the attack on Pearl Harbor.