William Henry Harrison

  • Birth

    William Henry was born on Febuary 9, 1773, at Berkeley, his family's plantation near Richmond, Virgina.
  • Family

    He had a wife nammed Anna Harrison, his son was John Harrison, and his father was Benjamin Harrison.
  • Presidency

    He was the 9th president of the U.S.A from 1773-1841.
  • Education

    William Henry only went to 2 different schools because he was home-schooled for most of his life, but those 2 schools were, University of Pennysylvania, and HampDen-Sydney College. He went to Hampden from 1787 to 1790 but he discontinued his studies due to his father's death.
  • Early life

    Early life
    His father Benjamin Harrison, was a close friend to the washington family. William Henry was home-schooled, But at age 14 he entered

    Hampden-Sydney college where he studied classics and history.
  • Employments

    He was the 9th president of the U.S.A in 1841, and he was in the military in 1791
  • Legacy

    William Henry, was the first whig to enter the office, His significance in presidential history does not lie in his brief term in office, but rather in the innoative campaign techniques designed by his party to secure him the office.
  • John Tyler

    John Tyler
    His death sparked a brief consituational crisis regarding succession to the presidency, because the constitution was unclear as to whether Vice president John Tyler should assume the office of president or merelely execute the duties of the vacan.
  • Death

    He was the first president to die in the office, he died in the office on April 4, 1841 due to pneumonia..
  • Politics

    William Henry was a politician from August 10, 1896- October 8, 1990. He served as a U.S Representative from Whyoming Tree on three occasions; (1951-1955, 1961-1965, and 1967-1969.)