William golding 1983

William Goulding

  • William's Birthday

    William's Birthday
    This is the day William Golding was born. He was born in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England.
  • Education

    He attended Brasenose College at Oxford. He studied science for two years then switched to the literature program on his third year.
  • William's Career

    William's Career
    William Golding began his career teaching english and philosophy in Salisbury at Bishop Wordsworth's School. He had this job until 1961 minus the 5 years he spent in the Royal Navy during World War II.
  • "Lord of the Flies"

    "Lord of the Flies"
    "Lord of the Flies" was William's first published book. It was the first one to be accepted after being rejected by 21 other publishers. It was a book of savagery and civilization in society.
  • Royal Society of Literature

    William was invited to be apart of the Royal Society of Literature.
    This was after the success of his first published book, "Lord of the Flies".
  • "Free Fall"

    "Free Fall"
    This was William's fourth novel. It was written in first person point of view. The main character of this book is an artist that goes by the name of Samuel Mountjoy.
  • "The Pyramid"

    "The Pyramid"
    This story takes in place in a town called Stilbourne. The main conflict of this novel is based on music.
  • Awards

    In 1980, he won the Booker Prize. It was a very high and honorable British award. In 1983, he was honored for the Nobel Prize for Literature. This was his greatest honor.
  • "The Paper Men"

    "The Paper Men"
    People belived this to be William's worst work. This is a story about an elderly author who tries to elude a young scholar who wants to write his biography.