William Golding

  • William Golding is born.

    William Golding is born.
    William Golding was born on September 19, 1911 in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England. His mother was an active suffragette and his father was a schoolmaster.
  • Golding became a teacher.

    Golding became a teacher.
    Golding became a teacher like his father. He taught English and Philosphy at a school in Salisbury called Bishop Wordsworth's School.
  • Golding left to join the navy.

    Golding left to join the navy.
    In 1940, Golding left his position as a teacher to fight in WWII. He joined England's Royal Navy and learned many life lessons during his service.
  • Golding publishes his first novel.

    Golding publishes his first novel.
    Golding published his first novel in 1954. Lord of the Flies eventually became his mst acclaimed novel.
  • Receives Booker Prize

  • Golding is awarded the Nobel Prize.

    Golding is awarded the Nobel Prize.
    On December 10, 1983, Golding was awarded the Noble Prize. He was rewarded and recognized for his excellent work in Literature.
  • Golding is knighted by the Queen of England.

  • William Golding dies.

    William Golding dies.
    Golding died on June 19, 1993 by the cause of a heart attack. He spent his last moments with his wife and children.