week 5

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    huey long

    Opposed the New Deal because he believed the Roosevelts plan to help the americans economy after the great depression not adequately help citizens living poverty
    "Share our Wealth" plan also known as Huey longs a program designed to provide a decent standard of living to all Americans by spreading the nations wealth among the people
  • stock market crash of 1929 part A

    -Stock market crash was a decline in U.S. stock market values in 1929 that contributed to the great depression of the 1930's
    Buying on the margin became so popular that by the late 1920's, 90% of the purchased price of the stock was being made w/ borrowed money
    US economy had come to depend on that activity
    Before the crash, nearly 40 cents of every dollar loaned in america was used to buy stocks
  • stock market crash of 1929 part b

    President Harding wanted to return to normalcy and the economy became good
    Millions of americans became unemployed
    Protectionism was a result of the great depression which was a result of the crash
    (pt c)
    As a bank run progresses, it generates its own momentum: as more people withdraw cash, the likeihood default increases, triggering further withdrawals
    This can destablize the bank to the point where it runs out of cash and thus faces sudden bank failure
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    Great depression

    one fourth of the labor force was out of work. hrly wages dropped by 50% hundred of banks had failed. price for agriculture products dropped to their lowest level since the civil war
    the worst unemployment rate was in 132 and it was1932 and it was 23.6% 13 to 15 million was unemployed
    the government insituted a senses of experimental projects and programs, known collectively as the new deal that allowed to restore prosperity to many americans
    many were deprived of their homes or were evicted
  • immigartion during the depression

    Tension grew towards immigrants and migrant workers both Mexican and European due to the lack of jobs and dust bowl
    After a certain amount of time during the depression the US stopped allowing immigrants into the country
    The police started deporting Mexicans and european immigrants and in some rare occasions farmers in the south were deported because they were mistaken for immigrants
  • Migrant mother

    Dorthea Lange took photographs of migrant workers, homeless, women and children helped draw attention to the desperate condition in rural america and helped to underscore the need for direct relief
  • Dust Bowl

    Human causes
    -Farmers had been plowing the grass lands for crops in central plains and trapping underground water supplies
    -Natural cause
    -10 year drought was occuring
    Farmers had to move to california because their harvest has being destroyed the wind carries the top soil away this is why it was called the Dust Bowl
  • William Randolph Hearst

    Hearst's reputation suffering in the 1930's as his political views changed in 1932 he was a major supporter of FDR his newspaper throughout 1933
    Hearst broke with FDR in the spring of 1935 when president vetoed the pat man bouns bill
  • 20th amendment

    The cause was lame duck session
    Lame duck session- of congress in the united states occurs whenever one congress meets after is elected
    What each amendment did it change where both president couldnt be in the same building
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    Franklin D Roosevelts presidency

    He defated Herbert Hoover in the 1932 election
    "Only thing we have to fear is fear itself" FDR was trying to say that our fear is whats causing things to go wrong. It gave the american people& government time to calm down& amke recovery plans
    The greatest problem was the widespread of unemployment due to the stockmarket crash of 1932& the dust bowl
    FDR promised americans a "New Deal" , to put them back to work the 3 R's Relief Recovery and reform
  • FDIC

    Is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    Its an independent agency of the U.S. Federal Government that Preserves Public confidence in the banking system by Insuring deposits
    President Franklin Roosevelt signed the banking act in 1933 a Part which Established FDIC
    This was a part of Roosevelts "Reform legislature" during the New Deal
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    The New Deal

    The N.D. was helped AM recover from the depression
    Relief-provides temporary help to suffering and unemployeed AM. Includes the social security act
    Recovery- was to help the economy bounce back from the depression. includes the agricultural adjustment act and the national industrial act
    Reform-Targeted the causes of the depression creating FDIC & bank reform played a big part
    he expanded the role of government through programs designed to restore public confidence and provide jobs
  • 21st amendment

    It passed in 1933
    Cause- Americans concerned about the adverse of drinking
    Effect- Brought an end to the era of national probation of alcohol in america
    Even president Harding drank alcohol in the white house
  • Francis Townsend

    Dr.Francis was a physician who devised the Townsend plan
    The plan promised to end the great depression by opening up jobs for younger workers, while forcing seniors to spend money in the consumer economy
    Adopted a version of the townsend plan when the social security program was created
  • Gold reserve act & the gold standard

    Gold and sliver have provided two accepted forms of exchange
    came to an end in 1933 when Pres Roosvelt issued an executive order outlawing the ownership of gold, except for jewelry
    Roosevelt wanted people to rely on paper money in order to expand the money supply and stimulate economic activity
    Fiat money is printed currency
  • S.E.C. Security & exchange commission

    Was created to watch over the stock market prevent fraud & guard against another stock market collapse
    Part of the Reform in the 3 R's
    required public corportations to register their stocks sales
  • social security act

    In the pre-social security era almost no one had any reliable cash generation form of retirement security
    It is an Act to provide for the general welfare by enabling the states to make more adequate provisions aged people and many others needing assistance
    Helps elderly people get checks after retirement due to the dedicated social security payroll taxes paid by employee and employer
  • AAA argricultural adjustment act

    In 1936 the supreme court declared the AAA constitutional
    was a US federal law of the New Deal Era which reduced agricultural productions by paying farmers subsicies not to plant on part of their land & to kill of their land & to kill of excess livestock
    Its purpose was to reduce crops surplus & there fore effectively raise the value of crops part of "Recovery" in the 3 R's
  • judicial procedures reform bill

    the reform bill was frequently called "court packing plan"was a legislative initiative proposed by U.S. President Franklin D Roosevelt to add more justice to the U.S supreme court
    the bill was to increase the number of U.S. supreme court justices then to bring in several new justices who would change the balance of opinion on the court
    Roosevelt failed many times at attempting to pass the law its failure exposed the limits of Roosevelt abilities to push legislation through direct public appeal
  • Grapes of Wrath

    author;John Steinbeck
    Route 66:main road of exodus for those fleeing from the harsh economic and environmental conditions of the dust bowl
    Oakies: They called immigrants workers this. Its the nickname that meant scum
    Migrant hopes:
    -They moved to find new means of survivial
    -mild climates allowed for a long growing season in california
    -steady income
    -They found low paying jobs
    -corporation owned farms