week 5

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    Robert Taft

    -Robert Taft was a Conservative american politician ,statesman N president ion hopeful
    -Taft was the senates main opponent of Franklin Roosevelt new domestic policies called "the new deal"
    he denounce the socialism trends of the new deal
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    Great Depression

    one fourth of the labor force was out of work. hourly wages dropped by 50% hundreds of ganks failed.price for agricultural products dropped their lowest level the civil war
    the worst unemployment rate was in 1935 and it was 23.6% 13 to 15 million was unemployed.
  • migrant mother

    her phototropism of migrants workers homeless draw attention to the desperate conditions in roral america and helped to bring attention the need for direct relief
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    William Randolph Hearst

    Suffered in the 1930 as his political views changed in 1932 he was major supporters of fdr his new paper throughout 1933.
  • 20th amendment

    the cause was for lane duck sessions lame duck session-of congress in the U.S. occurs whenever one pres meets after is elected.
    what each amendment did it change where both president couldn't be in the same building
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    franklin D Rossevelt

    he deafed Herbert hoover in 1932
    only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    the greatest problem was the widespread of unemployment due to the stock market crash of 1932 7 the dust bowl.
    FDR promised americans a new deal to put them back to work the 3rs rellief ,recovery,and refrom
  • francis townsend

    dr. Francis was a physician who devised the Townsend plan
    the plan promised to end the great depression by opening up jobs for younger workers while forcing seniors to spend money in the Summers economy .
    adopted a version of the townsend plan when the security program was created
  • FDIC

    is the federal deposit insurance corporation
    its on independent agency of the us federal government that preserve public confidence in the banking system by insuring
    president Frankie Roosevelt signed the banking act in 1933 a part which made fdic
  • 20st amendment

    in 1933 the 21st amendment to the constitution was passed and ratified ending national prohibition .
    after the repeal of the 18th amendment some states continued prohibition by maintain statewide temperance laws
  • AAA

    gave farmers govt payment ,to grow farmer crops
    smaller supply of crops would increase demand for those crops this would help farmers earn money
    its purpose was to improve preserve national soil resources . also prevent it from eroding
  • Sec

    Sec was created to watch over the stock market prevent fraud and guard against other stock market collapse.
    Was Roosevelt reform against the new deal
  • 21st Amendment 1933

    it passed in 1933
    repealed in 18th amendment caused Americans concerned about the adverse of drinking . effect - brought an end to the era of national probation of alcohol in america.
    even president harding drank alcohol in the white house
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    The New Deal

    was organized to help america recover from the depression.
    relief-providing temporary help to suffering and americans. including the social security act recovery-designed to help the economy bounce back from the depression includes the AAA and the NIA
    Refrom targeted the causes of the depression and south to prevent crisis like it from from happening again . creating FDIC & Bank refrom played a big part
  • Gold reserve

    Gold & sliver have provided two accepted forms of exchange. Came to an in 1933 when pre Roosevelt issued an executive order outlawing the ownership of gold except for jewelry
  • S.e.c security & exchange commission

    Was created to watch over the stock market prevent froud & guard against another stock market collapse. Part of the reform in the 2r . Required public corporations to register their stocks sales
  • Social security act

    In the pre-social security era almost no one had any reliable cash generating form of retirement security. It's an act to provide for the general welfare by ending the states to make more adequate provisions for aged people and many other needing assistance.
  • Judicaial procedures reform bill

    Purpose to obtain fav ruling regarding new deal legislation cause add more justices to the u.s Supreme Court viewed the congress saw it as unconstitutional issued he stepped pass presidential power & didn't not follow check and balance
  • grapes of wrath

    "oakies"moving from Oklahoma to California increased the average intelligence of both states
    route 66 is refereed to the mother road\they hoped to find jobs. once in California they find out jobs are souse and wages are low, the exiles find range in weed patch camp
  • dust bowl

    natural causes-drought every so often,heavy winds
    human causes- tilling the great plan,cutting the grasses covering the top soil and tapping under ground water supplies
    effects-money was tight people lost there land due to not being able to pay the bank crops didn't grow in central am.
    result-men became discourage they a banded their families women canned food & sewed clothes to support their familes