
  • Jamestown Founded

    Came over to find both jewels and gold. Hope was to find gold in the chesapeak
  • Period: to

    .Colonial To Present Time

  • Slaves

    12 years after founding Jamestown the first shipment of African Slaves arrived
  • Maryland

    Founded in 1632 Maryland was the second chesapeak colony
  • Tobacco

    Found Tobacco instead of gold making them rich. In 1642 Virgina was producing more than 200,000 pounds of tobacco per year
  • Citizens United Court Decision

    People protest the citizens united court descision because they belived that is one could donate money, the country would turn into a place where if people had money or were wealthy would have power
  • Citizens United/FEC

    In the citizens united court case and the FEC. The court ruled to get rid of the limit to how much a person can donate to a political campaign.