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War on Terror Timeline

  • Period: 21 to 21


    9/11 & war on terror. The American Heritage Museum. (2020, July 15). Retrieved September 19, 2021, from
  • 9/11

    On September 11th the worst terrorist attack in American history occurred when two planes flew into both towers of the world trade center. The aftermath left 3,000 Americans dead and the general public wanted the president (George bush) and congress to take action and find the suspected terrorists. 9/11 is still remembered by Americans to this day and is been declared a national day of remberence for in honor of the tragdey.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom Begins

    Operation Enduring Freedom Begins
    On October 7th,2001 president bush and the United States government launched an initiative to capture Osama bin laden. The Taliban refused to give up bin laden, and thus the United States overthrow them and installed a government of their own. Most Americans still supported this as Bin laden was deemed as the man behind the 9/11 attacks. However, questions began to arise as to how long we would still be in Afghanistan and was it morally right for us to overthrow a government.
  • Period: to

    Operation Enduring Freedom

  • Bin Laden Killed

    Bin Laden Killed
    After 10 years Osama Bin Laden was finally killed by a team of navy schools. Americans felt revenge had been served, however many were still frustrated as the war become less about redeeming 911 and more about keeping the American puppet government stable. One side pro-war side argued more terrorist attacks would happen if the war did not continue. The anti-war side argued we were fighting for no reason and young men and women were dying for no reason.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom Ends

    Operation Enduring Freedom Ends
    After 13 years President Obama ended combat and military operations in Afghanistan. The pro-war movement was arguable dead at this point, America was seemingly prolonging the eventual fall of Afghanistan back into the hands of the Taliban. Most Americans simply did not want to see our soldiers killed for virtually no reason. Most Americans were now Anti-war and anything involved with Afghanistan.
  • Biden withdrawls last troops

    Biden withdrawls last troops
    After Operation enduring freedom ended, America begin slowly withdrawing troops. By 2021, only a few thousand troops remained in Afghanistan. On August 30th, the last American troops left Afghanistan and in two weeks the Taliban were back in charge. It once again brought the issue of why we fought the war? Some argued to redeem the 9/11 victims others argued it was strictly George bushes war. Overall Americans view the war as a waste of time and money.