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Walters Odyssey

  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    This analysis for Odysseus is his character. He persevered through this long and cruel war. He could have given up but instead he made his way back home
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters Pt 2

    Lotus Eaters Pt 2
    This event shines a light on Odysseus' leadership. For example, Odysseus could have left those men, but instead he went and got them. This shows his leave "no man behind" attitude, and is determination to get home and make sure everyone in his crew does the same. Also, Odysseus refused to let another one of his men eat that Lotus. This shows that he looks out for his followers and has their best interest at heart.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Pt 2

    Cyclops Pt 2
    Odysseus uses his whit to make it out of this sticky situation. Blinding the Cyclops and tying themselves under the sheep was very clever. Odysseus also showed perseverance through this situation. For example, he could have given up after his men were eaten in front of him,but he kept his head high and escaped. This event really shows how he handles things that don't go his way and how he finds a way to succeed.
  • 1200 BCE


    After their collision with the sirens, they come across the six-headed monster, Scylla. However, Circe warned Odysseus about this monster too. The results of this fight would not be as good as the Sirens though. Circe warned Odysseus that he would lose six men, because the Scylla eats a man for every head she has. Odysseus, knowing this doesn’t tell his men about their fate. Fortunately, Odysseus and his mates, while losing six men get past the Scylla and make their way home. Sacrifice pays off.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla Pt.2

    Scylla Pt.2
    This shows a flaw in Odysseus’ character.It’s a flaw in his ability to be trustworthy.For example,if his shipmates found out he kept that information from them,that six men would die.That would effect the trust his men has in him, and because of that loyal becomes a factor and the relationship he has with them is in jeopardy.This shows how loyal his men are to him also,the fact that they would go into battle with a six head monster,next to a man who kept secrets from them shows where they stand.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios pt 2.

    Helios pt 2.
    This is a lesson for Odysseus. This teaches him that he has to keep watch of his crew until he makes it home. For example, they had already did bad with the bag of wind and then they came and did something even worse. It is a lesson for his crew also, they learned not to listen to people they don’t know.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors pt 2

    Suitors pt 2
    This shows hard work and determination really does pay off.Odysseus made it! He went through the toughest times against the toughest foes,and came out on top.He could have gave up when his shipmates were not acting right,or when Zeus and Poseidon cursed him,but he kept fighting.As a result,he made it home and the challenge that proceeded him was fairly easy compared to what he had been through.He made easy work of the suitors and lived on with Penelope through it all.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters Pt.1

    Lotus Eaters Pt.1
    In this part of the Odyssey Odysseus and his men are returning from Troy. They encounter a grueling journey, and come across the island of the Lotus Eaters. When they approach the island, Odysseus sends men to see what's on the island. Unfortunately those men find the Lotus Eaters, who are people who give you a lotus and you will never want to go home. Those men ate those plants,and therefore never returned to the ship. As a result, Odysseus drove those men to the ship and tied them down.
  • 1200 BCE


    After the encounter with the Lotus Eaters, Odysseus and his men encounter a Cyclops,Polytheus. When Odysseus and his men encounter the Cyclops, he traps them in a cave by knocking a bolder in front of the entrance. As a result,Polytheus starts to eat some of Odysseus" men. They die cruel death. Odysseus responds to this by getting the Cyclops drunk and blinding him in the eye. With the Cyclops blind Odysseus and his men tie themselves under the cattle and escape.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus Bag of Wind

    Aeolus Bag of Wind
    In this instance of the Odyssey, Odysseus and his men are on the island of Aeolus, the wind god. They were there for sometime seeking for a way home. Aeolus as a result, gives them a “bag of wind” or wind in there sails to carry them home. However, Hingis did not go as planned. As their home was in sight shipmates of Odysseus open the bag and it blew them back to Aeolus’ island. Unfortunately, Aeolus did not offer help and they were back at square one.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus Bag of Wind Part 2

    Aeolus Bag of Wind Part 2
    This particular event also shows how determined Odysseus is to get home. For example, he was right there, right on his home front and his shipmates messed that up. He was back at square one and he never gave up. He held his head high and went back home. To add salt to the wound, Aeolus would not help the again so, Odysseus did it by himself. This really shows how much of a leader he is also, to lead his followers back home after a major setback.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe’s Hall

    Circe’s Hall
    In this instance of the Odyssey Odysseus is on the goddess Circe island. He notices a difference when she has ferocious beast not even attacking. He also is out in distress when she puts his men under a spell that turns them into pigs. Fortunately, when Circe tried this on Odysseus it did not work, therefore she knew who she was. That night they have intercourse.
    However, the next morning Odysseus is not feeling well because of what she did to his men. So, he asks her to reverse it and she did.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe’s Hall Pt.2

    Circe’s Hall Pt.2
    This shows Odysseus’ selflessness, and his ability to think things through. For example, you could tell he didn’t care for Circe like that, but he had intercourse with her for the sake of his men. He put himself last in this situation and did something not as honorable as one would think, so he could get his men from under the spell. He also, thought things through with Circe because he asked her to let his men go after they did what they did.If he did it earlier she would be a little resistant.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens Pt.2

    Sirens Pt.2
    This event shows how good Odysseus’ shipmates are and his ability to prepare. You can see this when he listened to Circe and did what he was told because he was prepared for the sirens.To make the situation better, his men were very good in this pressure situation. For example, they have beeswax in their ear and can’t hear anything, and Odysseus wants to escape so bad. This shows his men have a good head on their shoulders and Odysseus is always ready for a fight, and ready to come out on top.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios’ Cattle

    Helios’ Cattle
    This time Odysseus and his crew has an encounter with Helios, the sun god. Like the time on the boat Odysseus fell asleep. His men make another crucial mistake, they eat Helios’ cattle. However, it wasn’t on their on will Eurylochus persuaded them to do this. Helios hears of this and he asks Zeus to punish Odysseus, and if he doesn’t get what he wants he will take the sun to the underworld.
  • 1200 BCE


    This is Odysseus’ homecoming, but it is bitter sweet. It is bitter sweet because of what Penelope, his wife is going through. Since Odysseus hadn’t came home suitors became available, and by greek law Penelope had to greet them and treat them well. What they didn’t know is that Odysseus was home but he was dressed as a old man. He found two men to get his bow and prove to Penelope that it was him after all this time. To make it better he killed everyone who stood in his way.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The trojan war was fought over a woman. This war had been started after the prince Paris had taken Helen from her land, as she was deem the most beautiful woman in the world. However when king meneleas heard of this he ordered them to give his wife back. When they refused war was set to begin. The war lasted a long time until the greeks played a fast one on Troy. They pretended like they gave up giving Troy a horse l, but it was a scam and they seized the opportunity and ended up winning the war
  • Nov 25, 1200


    In this instance of the Odyssey Odysseus is on his way home from Circe’s islandUnfortunately Circe has bad news, in his path we’re beautiful sirens. Ladies who would sing to sailors and enchant them into not wanting to go home. After hearing this Circe gives Odysseus advice, put beeswax into his mates ear and have them tie him down. Odysseus was obedient and did what he was told, however he struggled to stay.As a result his men were loyal and kept him tied down away from sirens and they escaped.