

By Kg11429
  • US combat troops arrive in Vietnam

    US combat troops arrive in Vietnam
    The first troops were brought in.
  • Richie Perry goes to Vietnam

    Richie Perry goes to Vietnam
    Perry goes to Vietnam because he can't afford college. If he stays in Harlem, he sees his future being hard and he wants to do something with his life.
  • Jenkins is killed in action

    Jenkins is killed in action
    Jenkins was in Perry's squad and was the first person that he had ever seen killed. At this time he realized that war was not the way he had pictured it and people did die here.
  • Perry was shot

    Perry was shot
    Perry and his squad were checking on an area & he was shot. He was not injured bad enough that he could go home. He recovered & they send him back to his squad.
  • Perry is in a hut & is attacked by the enemy

    Perry is in a hut & is attacked by the enemy
    Perry goes into a hut to make sure it is clear of the enemy. When he turns around the enemy pops out and puts a gun to his face. The gun didn't go off and was jammed so Perry had to kill him.
  • Perry writes a letter to his brother

    Perry writes a letter to his brother
    Perry tells his brother the truth about the horrible things he has experienced and seen during the war. He no longer views it the way he had before he got to Vietnam.
  • Liutenant Carroll is killed in action

    Liutenant Carroll is killed in action
    Liutenant Carroll is someone that Perry and the other guys look up to. He called the guys that were killed in vietnam "fallen angels".
  • Perry has recurring nightmares

    Perry has recurring nightmares
    Perry is having nightmares about being attacked in the hut, Jenkins dying and being shot himself.
  • Perry & Peewee go into the enemies spider hole

    Perry & Peewee go into the enemies spider hole
    They were being chased by the enemy and they had been split from their squad. They hid in one of the enemies spider hole until the enemy was gone. It was made for one person but they both had to stay in the hole.
  • Perry is wounded again

    Perry is wounded again
    Perry and Peewee find their way back to their squad after spending the night in the spider hole. When he is getting into the helicopter he is shot again. Peewee is also shot.
  • North vietnamese join forces with Viet Cong

    North vietnamese join forces with Viet Cong
    Together they lauch the "Tet Offensive", which is attacking approximately one hundred South Vietnamese cities and towns
  • US soldier kill hundreds of civilians

    US soldier kill hundreds of civilians
    US soldiers kill hundreds of Vietnamese civilians in the town of Mai Lai.
  • Perry and Peewee go home

    Perry and Peewee go home
    Perry and Peewee were both shot and ended up in the hospital together. They stay in the hospital until are healed enough to make the flight home to the USA!
  • US Troops reach 540,000

    US Troops reach 540,000
  • US troops start to withdrawl from Vietnam

    US troops start to withdrawl from Vietnam
    Richard Nixon orders the first of many troops to withdraw from Vietnam