Umayr & Ivan Project

  • Napier's bones

    Napier's bones
    Napier's Bones Picture The first modern calculating device. It was based on Arab Mathematics. A setconsists of 10 rods corresponding to digits 0 through 9. Precursor to modern calculators.
  • Period: to

    Pe-1950 Cmputers

  • Textile Loom

    Textile Loom
    Punched CardAn early form of punch cards begin to be used in textile looms. The cards were then used to store and search information in 1832. In 1890, the were developed to store information and data.
  • Jackquard Loom

    Jackquard Loom
    Jacquard Loom Picture
    Simplifies the process of manufacturing textiles with complex pattern.
    It was controlled by a chain of cards.
    Precursor to modern programming.
    Each position in the card corresponds to a "Bolus" hook, which can either be raised or stopped dependent on whether the hole is punched out of the card or the card is solid.
  • The ENIAC is Revealed to the Public

    The ENIAC is Revealed to the Public
    ENIAC Picture The machine was formally dedicated to the University of Pennsylvania, a $500,000 value. It was given to be used by engineers at the university to assist them in their work. It was accepted by the U.S. Ordinance Corps in 1946.
  • ENIAC computer

    ENIAC computer
    EINAC picture
    ENIAC was a modular computer composed of individual panels to perform different functions.
    ENIAC contained 17,468 vacuum tubes, 7,200 crystal diodes, 1,500 relays, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors and around 5 million hand-soldered joints. ENIAC used common octal-base radio tubes of the day; the decimal accumulators were made of 6SN7 flip-flops
    However, the tubes burned out easily, and replacement was vital to sustain it