Twelfth Night

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    Act 1

    Orsino, Curio, Duke of Elyria are having a dinner party talking about how much they like Olivia. Sir Toby, sir Andrew, and Maria all meet in Olivia's house, and they discuss why Olivia is mourning her brother so much. They also discuss who Olivia is interested in.
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    Act 2

    Malolio starts being kinda weird, and it reveals that Olivia like viola. Because she treats her like no other has.
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    Act 3

    Toby makes Fabian deliver a challenge to viola. Because he's jealous that Olivia likes viola instead of him.
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    Act 4

    Sebastian is moping around, and everyone thinks that he is viola. Feste tries to talk to him but still thinks he's viola. Malvolio is also locked away, and feste disguises himself as a priest to trick him.
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    Act 5

    viola finds out sebastian is alive, and Olivia finds out viola is a woman. Olivia and Sebastian get married, and voila and the Duke get married. Mallvolio is freed, and no one kills each other.