• WLK (edsons asistent) works on motion pictur projet

    WLK (edsons asistent) works on motion pictur projut
  • The motion picture in the viewing machine shows a man bowing, smiling and taking off his hatEdison calls his motion picture camera a kinetograph

  • ,Edison builds a film studio on the grounds of his laboratories in New Jersey to produce film

  • Edison builds a film studio on the grounds of his laboratories in New Jersey to produce films

  • In April, W.K.L. Dickson leaves Edison’s laboratories after a difference of opinion with Edison.

  • He goes on to become one of the founders of the American Mutoscope Company,

  • Charles Raff and Frank Gammon buy the Jenkins-Armat phantoscope from Thomas Armat on behalf of Edison

  • .The American Mutoscope Company (later renamed the American Mutoscope & Biograph Company and frequently called the "Biograph Company"), marketing their own films and their new biograph projector, becomes the foremost motion picture company in the U.S.