#2 JE

By 35270
  • exposition - setting

    January day, camp is set up at Callumet Camp on the Yukon, sixty-degrees below zero
  • expostion - characterization

    He was a well put together guy, that was big and strong, with confidence
  • rising action 1

    Frost bite begins to set in when he doesn’t put his mitten back on.
  • climax

    He breaks through and his legs get wet, he eventually makes it to the bank and has no choice but to build a fire
  • falling action

    He begins to build a fire but realizes that if he fails once, he may never be able to build one, because all the elements are fighting against him.
  • resolution

    Tom rubs his hand and feet in the snow then sticks them in the fire one by one, and then gains enough circulation in his limbs to be able to make it back to camp.