Timeline project

By Aryanak
  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    The Japanese war was a military conflict with China because China provided a lot of opportunities for Japan like raw materials. Because of this Japanese attacked China. About 1937 Chinese people were killed mostly werev about 1937 Chinese people were killed mostly were civilians. Over the course of the entire war 10.2 Chinese were killed.
  • Raping of naking

    Raping of naking
    Genocide begin on December 13 and finish six weeks later Japanese troops captured many women and men to kill all captives. In order for the troops to execute Chinese men and rape Chinese women to their deaths
  • Blitzkrieg Germany

    Blitzkrieg Germany
    Blitzkerg was a military tactic that was used for the German army to start a Second World War. They had better developed machinery like a bombers and light tanks. With the new tactic the German army could conquer France Hitler’s easiest conquer with the tactic of Biltzkerg was Poland.
  • Germany invaded Poland

    Germany invaded Poland
    Germany and they pull in because Hitler one of the expansion of German state to regain the land Hitler had promised German people that he would give them. Living space but failed to do so Jeremy had a nonaggression pact with Russia to invade Poland and carve between them. Because of Germany’s invasion of Poland Britain and France had to declare war this led to Nazi Germany establishing ghettos and the Jews were sent to concentration camps
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    The operation Barbosa was a codename for the Nazis German invasion of Russia the invasion begin on June 22, 1941 and I was the largest military attack of World War II. It was all Hitler’s plan inviting the Soviet union to expand their living spaces in resources. Hitler claimed a victory that allowed them to basically take the Russian population and exterminate them The preparation of the attack 6800 Germans were gathered and borders within three weeks and planning on being annihilated.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl harbor was the US Navy base was threatened by the Japanese the Japanese airplanes attacked the bass with machine guns and bombs for two hours eight battleships were destroyed in severely damage. 180 planes were destroyed over 2000 people were killed in 1000 wounded. After President Roosevelt gave a speech to Congress calling the attack a day that will live in infamy known as Pearl Harbor
  • Wannsee conference

    Wannsee conference
    Wannsee conference was a conference for Nazis leaders forcing Jews and Germany bike in finding them from German society and removing Jews from the German economy abolishing any chance for them to make a living in Germany. They discuss the establishment of camp ghettos as a Destiination for the elderly Jews as well for the disabled they postponed after the war the final solution that measured against Jews to marry non-Jews or persons of mixed the same descent.
  • Death march

    Death march
    The death march was a significant event that shape the outcome of World War II and took part in shaping our opinions of foreign enemies after pearl harbor air bases we’re here in the Philippines by the Japanese the Japanese were able to cut them all off at vital resources like food guns etc. ending the battle of the march into motion
  • Operation of Gomorrah

    Operation of Gomorrah
    The US and British force bombs on a week targeted because it was a major industrial city of Germany allies considered Dessa civilians that were worse than 1 million homeless killed and Hitler new Germany was spiraling towards defeat
  • D day

    D day
    On June 6 1944 Allied forces invaded France during World War II because France was occupied by Nazi Germany and needed to be liberated de de was organized to put an end to World War II but it was the largest seaborne invasion in history with a 7000 ships five beaches were involved Utah Omaha gold Juno in sward the German Air Force was out numbered. The allies were able to take back France
  • Battle of Bulge

    Battle of Bulge
    December 1944 Hitler launch the surprise attack against the allies the plan was to surprise Germany and the Americans left to inexperience in battle of the battalions to defend the area. three German armies attacked Adrennes with a heavy frosted rugged to terrain. caught off guard and had to fight desperate battles against the Germans the aircraft was grounded due to extreme weather and the Alice attempted to use a movement to cut the Germans advance. The battle ended on January 25
  • Operation of thunder clap

     Operation of thunder clap
    It was the attacked of the capital city of the state in Germany it happened in the final months of World War II on February 1945. More than 3900 tons of high explosive bombs were dropped in about 25,000 people were killed they sent 1200 planes three times in 15 hours as part of the operation thunder clap. Arthur Harris was the head of the bombing command he believe any city that had anything to do with Nazis were targets
  • Dropping the atomic bombs

     Dropping the atomic bombs
    A bomb made in 120 inches weighed 9000 pounds contain 15 tons of high explosives was called little boy and was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6 fat Man atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki August 9 128 inches weigh 10,000 pounds and contained 21,000 tons of high explosives
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    Victory over Japan day is the name chosen for the day on which surrenders of the Japanese effectively ending World war two. In Japan this day is known as memorial day for the end of the war. The news the Japanese author created a great celebration around the world and Japan except the post damn decoration on August 15th over 100 American prisoners of war were executed as well
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

     Battle of Iwo Jima
    America one of the two air fields of the land for tactical importance in the Marines wanted to destroy Japanese merchant ships so that they cannot supply food from the south east Asia. You would Jima was used as an air and sea base of America to expand the air superior the battle of Iwo Jima was directed to cause the long far of the battle of Onikiwa. After Iwo Jima the Japanese immediately began to plan another attack. 20,730 Japanese dead & 216 captured
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    One of the bloodiest battles in history. There was an anti-submarine patrol in an anti-craft offense 26 ships were Pickett stations that were positioned 75 to 100 miles of the land there early wanting the fence where the Japanese attacked prior to the Marine unit reach the East Coast and moved to North west. There was an anti-submarine patrol and an anti-craft offense 26 ships.
    21 ships were lost 66 seriously damage 70,000 were wounded missing or killed 1900 suicide occurred
  • V E day

    V E day
    Victory in Europe day great Britain and the United States had celebrated that spell the day when German troops throughout the year finally laid down their arms. 13,000 British were released and sent back to great Britain. Amber in people gathered on the streets many dressed in red white and blue to sing and dance hugging each other relieved that the war was finally over