• amendment 1:

    the congress will make no laws agenst the freedom of religon adn exersizing it. everyone has the freedom of speech.
  • amendment 2;

    amendment 2;
    people have teh rights to own fire arms fro secerity.
  • amendment 3:

    amendment 3:
    no unnesisary soldier will be placed in someboys house without premission of owner.
  • amendment 4:

    goveremtn officals have premissiion to search a suspisious persons house for evidendce
  • amendment 5:

    amendment 5:
    no person will be accused without a trial and a witness.if the person if found guilty, they go to a state court fro more investigation.
  • amendment 6:

    all acused people have a speedy trial and the jury of state will decide if you are guilty. you will be moved to the supreme court fro further trials,
  • amendment 7:

    if teh case is worth less than 20 dollars, the jury will drop the case.
  • amendment 8:

    cruel and unusal punishments, exsessive fines will not be inflicted.
  • amendment 9:

    amendment 9:
    people have the rights to religon and the freedom of practicing it.
  • amendment 10:

    the power the goveremnt has i equal between the states and people. nobody has complete controll of anybody.
  • amendment 13:

    amendment 13:
    no such person will be used as a slave anywhere in the untied states.
  • amendment 14:

    everyone born in the united states has civil rights.
  • Amendment 15: the right to vote

    citzens have the right to vote no matter what race or religion.
  • amendment 15:

    citzens have the right to vote no matter what religion or color.
  • amendment 11:

    only the judical branch can extend a jury trial untill the person is found guilty or non guilty
  • amendment 12:

    all electors will meet in their states to place votrs for president adn vice president.
  • amendment 16:

    teh congress has the power to collect taxes. the congress can also tax people too. teh congress has controll over most fo teh tax related work.
  • amendment 17:

    the united states compromise and elect congressmen every 4 years. you can be re-elected as a congressmen.
  • amendment 18: prohbition

    everyone was prohibited from drinking any liquor.
  • amendment 18:

    liquor adn beer is outlawed from teh united states.
  • amendment 19: womans rights

    amendment 19: womans rights
    women where allowed to vote and had the same rights as men.
  • amendment 19:

    woman and men have equal rigths. woman can vote adn work, they are all equal.
  • amendment 21:

    repeal of prohabition of teh 18th amendment, liquor is not outlawed.
  • amendment 23:

    all electors of the president and the vice president will be equal. they will be elected together.
  • amendment 20:

    amendment 20:
    lame duck sessions happen if terms have not ended then succsesors come in.
  • amendment 22:

    each elected president has a term of 2 years. you can be re-elected when the election comes around.
  • amendment 24

    amendment 24
    nobody will be denied if they dont pay teh toll tax.
  • amendment 25:

    The vice president will take over if anything happens to the president during his term.
  • amendment 25:

    in case the president is injured, or dead, and is unable to work the vice president will take over his job.
  • amendment 26:

    you have the right to vote when you are 18. other personal rigth come in at age 21.