Timeline of landmark legislation

  • Plessy v.Ferguson

    Plessy v.Ferguson
    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the state of Louisiana had the right to require "separate but equal" railroad cars for Blacks and whites. This made federal government officially recognizes segregation as legal. It was made to keep black people and white separate. The white people that that it was fair and equal but that was not the case at all.
  • brown vs. the board of education, Topeka

    brown vs. the board of education, Topeka
    The Supreme Courtly agrees that segregated schools were unequal and must be abolished. They even ruled that the plaintiffs were being “deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. That segregated schools were in fact not equal for everyone. That everyone could go to what ever school they wanted to.
  • Miranda v. Arizona

    Miranda v. Arizona
    was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. In which the Court ruled that the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution restricts prosecutors from using a person's statements. That was made in response to interrogation in police custody as evidence. It was landmark decision that allowed only to protect Americans against formal types of compulsion to confess. It had a huge impact on law enforcement.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX would prohibit sex-based discrimination in any school or other education program that receives federal money. This federal civil rights law would allow women to have equal rights in school. It allowed women to have the same rights as men in a educational system.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    Education of all Handicapped Children Act
    This act was used so that no kids could be left behind because of a handicap. It was to help kids 3-21 or until they graduated to stay in school with they’re peers. To receive the education that they needed at no extra cost. That they should be placed in the least restrictive environment-one that allows the maximum possible opportunity.
  • Plyler vs Doe

    Plyler vs Doe
    Plyler vs doe was when the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision holding that states cannot constitutionally deny students a free public education on account of their immigration status. Before this they would be denying funding for education to undocumented immigrant children. In the United States and a municipal school district's attempt to charge an annual $1,000 tuition fee.
  • New Jersey v. T.L.O.

    New Jersey v. T.L.O.
    This law helped Because it established the standard of reasonableness for searches of students conducted by public school officials in a school environment. The school officials must have reasonable suspicion that the student has violated either the law or school rules for them to be able to do a search. This case started because a public high school student who was searched for contraband after she was caught smoking.
  • Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser

    Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser
    This made a landmark decision because it involved freedom of speech. It all started when Matthew Fraser was suspended from school in the Bethel School District in Washington for making a speech including sexual innuendo at a school assembly.
    Even though The Supreme Court held that his suspension did not violate his First Amendment right to freedom of speech.