
Timeline of Education !

By AntMann
  • Period: to

    Timeline of Educational Events

  • 1937-38 SChools Drastic Change

    1937-38 SChools Drastic Change
    1937-38, consolidate district the number of local public schools have declined from 119,001 in 1937-38 to 14,928 in 1999-2000. (drastic change in the number of public schools)
  • Textbook: WW2 & The Federal Government

    Textbook: WW2 & The Federal Government
    1941- during WW2 the federal government funded the Lanham Act: training of workers in war plants by U.S. Education personnel, the construction of schools in areas where military personnel and workers on federal projects, and the provision of child care for the children of working parents (government offer support in the school system while fighting a war)
  • Textbook: G.I.Bill a + for students

    Textbook: G.I.Bill a + for students
    1944, G.I. Bill of Rights, President Franklin D. Rooosevelt provided millions of vederans with payment for tuition and room and board at colleges and universities and at technical schools. (the president, at that tiime, allowed the veterans and current memebers of the military to use the govenrment as a way to pay for tuition and things needed in college)
  • Textbook: 1963 Vocational Act

    Textbook: 1963 Vocational Act
    authorized a major expansion and redirection of vocational education. Its goals were to enroll a larger proportion of the baby boom generation that was moving through the educational system and to improve the kinds and quality of training available to them. (assistance for the baby boomers)
  • Textbook: 1964 Bilingual Educational Act

    Textbook: 1964 Bilingual Educational Act
    Bilingual Education is a program used to help limited English proficient (LEP) children keep up with all their required academic competencies, such as math, history and science, while they are learning English through ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. (a act that i believe that was well needed because all peope know matter what background deserve a chanc at a education)
  • 1964 Equal Opportunity Act

    1964 Equal Opportunity Act
    The provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex as well as race in hiring, promoting, and firing. (no forms of sex , disrespect, shal be toleratred in the schools or any preofessional setting)
  • Textbook: 1968 Indian Education Act

    Textbook: 1968 Indian Education Act
    The tribes would have authority for how they administered the funds, which gave them greater control over their welfare (ability to have say-so over the funds giving to them)
  • Textbook: 1972 Education for All Handicapped Child Act

    Textbook: 1972 Education for All Handicapped Child Act
    authorizes federal aid for the education of more than 6 million children with disabilities nationally. 9gvae funds for thoes students who have disabilities)
  • Textbook: Educational Consolidation and Improvement Act

    Textbook: Educational Consolidation and Improvement Act
    1981, Educational Consolidation and Improvement Act, gave the state a board range of choices in spending federal funds
    ( gave school boards ability to spend money where they saw fit)
  • Textbook: Courts & the School System

    Textbook: Courts & the School System
    1990s, perhaps no state court had a greater impact on education during the first half of the 1990s than Kentucky Supreme Court. In 1989, the Court ruled that the state’s entire school system was “inadequate.”
    (Courts rulling on the level of teaching in that county)
  • Textbook: Kentucky Reform Act

    Textbook: Kentucky Reform Act
    1990 Kentucky Education Reform Act, passed in 1990, required each school to form a school-based management council by 1996 with authority to set policy in eight areas: curriculum, staff time, student assignment, schedule, school space, instructional issues, discipline, and extracurricular activities. (Beign assignemed certin areas to work on and complete the objectives in thoes subjects)
  • Textbook: Chicago Reform ACt

    Textbook: Chicago Reform ACt
    -1995, Chicago Reform Act produced few concerns improvements. (Reform Act by Chicago)
  • Textbook: You Can Make A Differance

    Textbook: You Can Make A Differance
    1998- You Can Make a Difference, Educational politics refers to how people use power, influence, and authority to affect instructional and curricular practices within a school or school system.
    (People using politics and things of that nature to run and advise how the schoo should be ran.)
  • 1999 Textbook: Teachers under pressure

    1999 Textbook: Teachers under pressure
    1998, 25-Conflict of Interest, Clearly today’s teachers are under intense pressure from many sectors of our society.
  • Textbook: Chicago Reform Act

    Textbook: Chicago Reform Act
    December 1988, the Illinois state legislature passed the Chicago School Reform Act,
    -schools were to be controlled by local school council made up by six parents and two community members, two school employees and the principal. (A way in my opinion for all personel to be heard in the decisions that effect students)
  • Textbook: 1999 Head Start Act

    Textbook: 1999 Head Start Act
    Head Start is a national program which provides comprehensive developmental services for America's low-income, pre-school children ages three to five and social services for their families. Approximately 1,400 community-based non-profit organizations and school systems develop unique and innovative programs to meet specific needs. (I was a memeber of a Head Start and this defination is true. At the time we were (and still is) in low income area)
  • Textbook: Florida School System

    Textbook: Florida School System
    1999 Florida became the first state to offer state paid tuition to children in failing public schools to attend public, private or religious schools of choice. (paying for students to recieve a education)
  • Textbook: Survey of Sex on School Board

    Textbook: Survey of Sex on School Board
    2001, survey of board members revealed that women constituted 39% of school boards and men 61%.
  • Textbook: President G.W. Bush + Education

    Textbook: President G.W. Bush + Education
    2002, President George Bush No Child Left Behind---Blue Ribbon School Program,
    (NCLB supports standards-based education reform, which is based on the belief that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes in education. The Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills to be given to all students in certain grades, if those states are to receive federal funding for schools.)
  • Textbook: Florida Judge...

    Textbook: Florida Judge...
    2002 a Florida judge that the program violated the Florida Constution because it gave tax money to the religious schools. (revoked the former stated decision)