
Timeline of Beowulf's life

  • Dec 25, 1415

    Birth of Beowulf

    Beowulf was born of a noble king, born with supernatural strength and the ability to breath underwater
  • Nov 29, 1433

    Men Fled from the Herot

    All surviving men fled from the Herot and left it empty and abandoned for roughly 12 winters.
  • Apr 1, 1445

    Beowulf's call to adventure

    Beowulf's call to adventure was when he offered Hrothgar to help kill and defeat Grendel, a beast capable of killing ordinary men.
  • May 2, 1445

    Beowulf's supernatural Helper or Mentor

    Beowulf's helper would be Wiglaf, as he was the only men that stayed and helped Beowulf fight and kill the fire-breathing dragon.
  • Jun 3, 1445

    Crossing the threshold

    This occurs in the story when Beowulf decides to cross the sea to speak to Hrothgar about killing Grendel.
  • Jul 4, 1445

    Supernatural Weapon

    A supernatural weapon that only Beowulf was able to wield was the sword forged by the giants in Grendel's mothers underwater living quarters where he used the sword to kill her.
  • Aug 6, 1445

    Challenges/Trials for Beowulf

    Beowulf set up a location in the Herot where all the men slept at night while Beowulf stayed up and waiting for the arriving of Grendel
  • Sep 7, 1445

    Abyss or Temptation

    Beowulf's abyss or temptation would occur when he lost his special helmet and Hrunting which he had received from Unferth.
  • Dec 8, 1445


    Beowulf's transformation is when he killed Grendel and his mother and made up the debt that his father had made.
  • Feb 8, 1496

    Beowulf dies in his last act of being a hero

    Beowulf finally meets his end after 50 years of leading his men when fate had finally turned against him when he was fighting the fire breathing dragon. His time had come, but Beowulf handed his thrown down to Wiglaf as he was the only warrior that stayed and fought with Beowulf in his last fight.