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The United States Significant Financial Crisis Timeline [By: Jordan Beck]

  • The "Great Depression" of 1873

    The "Great Depression" of 1873
    The first depression to be considered, "The Great Depression" which affected not only America, but Great Britain & France as well until 1879.
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    Depression of 82' to 85'

    Gold reserves actually depleted.
  • Baring Crisis

    Baring Crisis
    An acute recession occurred causing the most famous sovereign debt crisis in the 19th century.
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    Panic of 1893

    A serious economic depression that affected every sector of the economy majorly.
  • Panic of 1896

    Panic of 1896
    A slight economic depression arouse due to a drop in silver reserves with larger fear of it affecting the standard of gold.
  • Panic of 1901

    Panic of 1901
    "The first stock market crash on the New York Stock Exchange" due to financial control of the Northern Pacific Railway between E. H. Harriman, Jacob Schiff, and J. P. Morgan.
  • 1907 Bankers' Panic

    1907 Bankers' Panic
    A three week period where the stock market fell 50%, which effected the nation after it caused many banks to declare bankruptcy.
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    Depression of 1920 - 21'

    Considered to be a "sharp deflationary recession" just 14 months after World War 1, but the roaring 20's began right after this drip so it wasn't felt as devastating as it could have been.
  • The Wall Street Crash of 1929

    The Wall Street Crash of 1929
    Also known as "Black Tuesday" was the immediate foreshadowing to the start of The Great Depression.
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    The Great Depression

    The notorious 12-ish year financial crisis that heavily affected not only the poor & overall world, but also the rich nearly as bad.
  • 1973 Oil Crisis

    1973 Oil Crisis
    October 1973 the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries announced an oil embargo on the United States until March 1974, which dramatically rose the price & lowered the supply of gasoline globally.
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    Saving & Loan Crisis

    Interest rates climbed because of large numbers of depositors taking their money out of S&L institutions & depositing it into money market funds.
  • Black Monday

    Black Monday
    In a single trading session, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 22.6% in one trading session. It was considered the greatest stock market decline in just a single day.
  • Enron

    Enron, America's 7th largest corporation used Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV's) to hide its massive debt until the former vice president of the corporation, Sherron Watkins exposed their clever accounting tricks scheme.
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    Global Financial Crisis (US Mortgage Recession)

    American housing prices fell 4% by mid-2007 in just 2 years because mortgage-holders couldn't continue paying for properties they originally weren't able to afford, but were granted with before anyway.