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The Road to 911

  • The first bombing

    The first bombing
    The first bombing took place at the world trade center a truck load full of explosives. It was intended to make the north tower fall into the south tower to kill 250,000.
  • The oil incident in Saudi Arabia

    The oil incident in Saudi Arabia
    The US and most of the developed world also reared an Iraqui invasion of Saudi Arabia because in Saudi Arabia the was a ton of oil that everyone wanted.
  • Bin Laden Found a home

    Bin Laden Found a home
    When Osama bin laden found his home is when he started the rise of his power and because a terrorist.
  • Fight in Afgahan

    Fight in Afgahan
    Osama Bin Laden Fought Soviet Union in Afghanistan and the U.S Helped Afghanistan military win the war against the soviets.
  • Reason Al Qaeda started

    Reason Al Qaeda started
    The Al Qaeda started there terror and hate toward america when the soviet union invade afghanistan
  • Terrorist Organization

    Terrorist Organization
    The Al Qaeda organization was led and enhanced by Osama Bin Laden the radical Muslim that wanted to rain terror on america.
  • The U.S Saudi Coalition

    The U.S Saudi Coalition
    Saudi Arabia was afraid of Hussein and unable to protect itself, sought help from the U.S.
  • The Final Bombing

    The Final Bombing
    September 11 2001 there was a series of attacks of attacks that were coordinated by the Al Qaeda group on Tuesday morning