The Rise Of Al-Qaeda: Sarah Wright

  • Al-Qaeda is Founded

    Al-Qaeda is Founded
    A terroist group is formed by Osama Bin Ladin. Al-Zawahiri is currently leading it. This group has attacked the U.S. many times.
  • Operation Cyclone

    Operation Cyclone
    Operation Cyclone was the Untied States Central Intelligance Program that funded for anticommunist gurrillas in Afghanistan. It started on July 3rd and lasted until 1989.
  • Soviet-Afghan War

    Soviet-Afghan War
    It was a war fought with the Soviet Forces and Afghanistan forces against multi-national groups called the Mujahideen. The griyps had military training and the war lasted 9 years, 3 weeks, and one day, The U.S. helped fuinance and arm the Mugahideen and they won the war.
  • Afghan Mujahedeen is Formed

    Afghan Mujahedeen is Formed
    It was formed by the seven Afghanistan mujahideen parties fighting against the soviet and democratic republic of Afrgan forces so that they wouldnt become a communist counrty.
  • First Al-Qaeda Attack In Yemen

    First Al-Qaeda Attack In Yemen
    Al-Qaeda bombed a hotel where U.S. troops gad veeb staying. No troops were killed but in the process two Austrilian tourists were.
  • World Trade Center Bombing(Not 9/11)

    World Trade Center Bombing(Not 9/11)
    A truck bomb exploded below the North Tower of the World Trade Center and was intended to kill tens and thousands of people, But killed only 6 people and injured more than a thousand.
  • Taliban allows Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan

    Taliban allows Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan
    The Taliban that was currently controling Afghanistan allowed the terrorist group Al-Qaeda to set up camps and train to attack the U.S. 1997-2001
  • United States Embassy Bombings

    United States Embassy Bombings
    A bunch of attacks that occured where 100s of people were killed by truck bombings in East Africian at the U.S. embassies. The attacks were linked to local members too.
  • Osama Bin Laden is Killed

    Osama Bin Laden is Killed
    He was killed in Pakistan shorty after 1am by Navy SEALS of the U.S. He was the founder of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda and was the one who planned out 9/11.