
The Marchthrough Malaya

  • Landing of Japanese Troops

    Japanes forces landed on the east coast of South Thailand and at Kota Bahru in north-eastern Malaya. From this point, the Japapnese invasion began.
  • Sinking of British battleships

    Two ships were sunk by the Japanes this day. The Repulse and the Prince of Wales. after this, the British had no battleships to stop the landing of the Japanese
  • The Battle of Jitra

    At Jitra the British forces fought Japanese tanks in heavy rain. The British were suprised because the Japanese moved with speed in the tanks, exactly what the British said would not happen. There was also a breakdown in communication, so the japanese won.
  • The Fall of Penang

    Days before the fall of Penang, Japanesebombed the island. TheJapanese occupied the airfeild and others in north-western Malaya.
  • The Battle of Slim River

    At the Slim River, the British fought a losing battle against Japanese. The British tried to use guns that were not tanks, but failed.
  • Japanese troops enter Kuala Lumpur

    Japanese troops entered Kuala Lumpur without major resistence from the British. In the railway yards, the Japanese found tons of ammunition ane food. Also, the Japanese seized freshly printed maps of Johor and Singapore, meant for British troops. In the end, the invaders had the maps instead of the defenders.
  • The Battle of Gemas

    In Gemas, the Australian and Indian soldiers of the allied forces tried to stop the Japanese from entering Singapore. they put explosives on a wooden bridge and waited untill most Japanese soldiers were on the bridge. This was a major defeat for the British, as many Japanese soldiers were killed.
  • The Destruction of The Causeway

    In the last days of 1942 January, the alllied forces withdrew to Singapore. They knew Malaya was lost, so they blew up the causeway, the only link to Malaya, and hoped to slow down the Japanese.