The March through Malaya

  • Landing of Japanese Troops

    Japanese forces landed on the east coast of South Thailandand Kota Bahru in Malaysia. These were the places the Japanese invasion began
  • Sinking of British Battleships

    Two battleships the Repulce and the Prince of Wales were sunken by japanese fihgter planes off Kuantan. The sinking of the battleships was the worst British disaster of the war. The British had no battle ships to stop the Japanese from landing in Malaysia.
  • The Battle of Jitra

    In Jitra Jaoanese tanks fought with British forces in heavy rain. British did not have tanks because they thought tanks were not suitable for jungle weather. But they were wrong. Although the British forces outnumbered the Japanese, they were no match for the Japanese. British were not clear wich lead to a breakdown in communication. The troops were confused and disorganized, and the british were defeated by the Japanese.
  • The Fall of Penang

    Days before the Penang, Japanese planes dropped bombs on the island. Japanese occupied its airfields in norht-western Malaysia.
  • The Battle of Slim River

    The British fought a battle against the Japanese which they lost. The British tried to use anit-tank to destroy the Japanese tanks but their weapons did not work and the Japanses captured a lot of food ammunition and equipment.
  • Japanese Troops Entered Kuala Lumpur

    Japanese troops entered Kuala Lumpur withour facing serious resistance from British. In therailway yards, Japanese found train loads of much neededfood and ammunition.Printed miliatary maps Singapore and Johorwere also seized by the japanese. The maps were printed by the British troops.
  • The Battle of Gemas

    The Australian and Indian soldiers were part of the allied forces and were trying to stop the Japanese from getting to Singapore. They put explosives on a wooden bridge.The Australian commander waited unti most of the Japanese soldiers were on the bridge and blew it up. This was vixtory for the allied soldiers. This victory did not last long because Japanese bagan to make coastal landings on the west coast of Johor.