The life of Justin

  • My birthday

    My birthday
    I was born at 11:33am and weighed 8.6 pounds.I was born at oswego hospital. Another person born on my birthday was Madonna.
  • Period: to

    The life of Justin

  • Solar eclipce

    Solar eclipce
    Ther was a total solar eclipce in india north france.A solar eclipce is when the mooon passes between the sun and the earth.The moon will shade part of the eath from the sun.
  • Play station 2

    Play station 2
    The playstation 2 is relesed it is the most sold gaming system ever.Selling over 980,000 units in Japan by March 5, 2000.The life span of a console was estimated to be 10 years.
  • 9/11

    The terriost attack in New York city killed 2,992 and many many were injured.The planes struck the north tower at 8:45am and the south tower was hit at
  • 66th masters

    66th masters
    The 66th golf masters was held from April 11-14, 2002 at Augusta National Golf Club.Tiger Woods won the tourneyment.Tiger Woods captured his third grenn jacket then.
  • Bionic arm invented

    Bionic arm invented
    The bionic arm was invented in 2003.It was invented at at John Hopkins university. The bionoc arm is also called the Myoelectric arm.
  • Boston Red Sox

    Boston Red Sox
    The red sox won the best out of seven series 4-0.That was the first world series win since 1918.Then the sox got back on track and won it in 2007 too.
  • xbox 360 comes out

    xbox 360 comes out
    Thirdysix million people have bought a xbox.Microsoft was the creater of xbox.Xbox has came out with over 300 games.
  • Google buys YouTube

    Google buys YouTube
    Google buys youtube for 1.65 billion dollars.Google was invented in 1998.YouTube was invented in
    February of 2005 and first video was called "Me at the zoo"is uploaded on April 23, 2005.
  • Apple reveils the Iphone

    Apple reveils the Iphone
    The iphone was reveiled by the CEO of Apple,Steve jobs.Jobs recently died of pancreatic cancer.I think without Steve Jobs Apple is just a fruit.
  • Barrack Obama Becomes president

    Barrack Obama Becomes president
    Obama becomes the first African American president for the United States.Obama was born in Hawaii.Obama was said he was going to change the world, so he is working towards that goal.
  • My baby brother was born

    My baby brother was born
    My baby brother,Brett was born in syracuse. Brett was born at Crouse Hospatial.Brett weighed 8.11 pounds.
  • End of iraq war

    End of iraq war
    Obama declares the end of the Iraq war.Only 150 of the 39,000 troops remaining in Iraq will be coming home.Due to the war more than 32,000 troops were injured.The war has cost the nation more than 752 Billion.
  • Osama bin laden dead

    Osama bin laden dead
    Osama bin laden is responsibile for 9/11. They went down from a helicopter in to his house they broke in killed all the gaurds then they found the room osama was in but osama used his wife for a sheild they shot her in hte foot just to keep her down then