Ep 4 1983 Or 2021? |Super Mario Bros|
|2021| Maxwell finally reaches the controller that has landed itself in front of the white screen as maxwell reaches the white screen to he forgets about the controller before looking forwards and seeing the screen flickering from super mario bros to the white screen again "huh why is it doing that?" Maxwell said as he crawled forward before tapping the screen quicker than a cheese slicer the room starts to fold down and compressing itself as Maxwell is sucked into the screen he is blinded. -
Ep 5 Sucked Into The Game? |Super Mario Bros|
Maxwell started opening his eyes as he felt....off he felt like his stomach got a bit empty like it wasn't even there he opened his eyes to see around him a pixelated world that he feels like he has seen before that's when his eyes fully awaken and he hops up on his now small pixel feet he starts walking around seeing if he can find a single ounce of human life as he walked he saw a small green shelled yellow turtle that was just walking back and forth like it was waiting for someone to enter. -
Ep 6 Wait A Minute Who Are You? |Super Mario Bros|
Last time our protagonist was walking around looking for another human to make him feel more safe in this new world that was until he found a mysterious turtle walking back and forth.. Maxwell was looking at the turtle for a few minutes before he decided to walk up to it to see even a bit of life in this strange world as he reached the turtle a chubby plumber wearing a red hat and shirt with blue overalls jumped up and smashed down on the turtle making it disappear before he starts running away. -
Ep 8 The Mystery Murderer
Mario's Point Of View
As Mario killed his last enemy for today he saw another man in a black jacket just watching him from the shadows as he jumped on the turtle and started running off again towards princess peach's captivity in the hands of the evil bowser he looked back after hearing running and saw the same black figure running after him as he sped up thinking a powerful enemy was after him
Maxwell's Point Of View
He was still chasing the man as they both sped up. -
Ep 9 The Chaser Becomes The Chased |Super Mario|
Maxwell was still chasing after Mario until the chubby man suddenly stopped and turned around towards him they both sat there for a minute staring at each other before Mario took the 1st step then started fast running towards Maxwell while hopping back over the obstacles he passed a few minutes ago as Maxwell turned back and started running like a ferret running from a tarantula or you know... murderer chasing innocent person as they were running Maxwell saw one of the turtles getting a idea. -
Ep 11 Fighting The Chubby Fire Lord |Super Knocked Out Bros|
Mario begins to transform as he bursts into flames freaking maxwell out as he thinks he killed him until he saw the white glove come out the fire then a white shirt with red overalls exits out as the fire calms down there stood mario in all his glory as he looks at Maxwell and begins charging up a massive fireball in his hand as Maxwell starts freaking out again
Mario's Point Of View
"Bye Bye" was all he said to Maxwell as he held in his hand a fireball that could engulf the entire land -
Ep 7 What The Hippity Hoppity Heck?! |Super Mario Bros|
As the chubby red and blue man ran off Maxwell was actually having a freak out about seeing the turtle getting literally obliterated from the face of the earth "..." Maxwell stopped freaking out and without a second thought gave chase after the man who was already far away going towards a giant castle Maxwell sped up to catch up with him
Mario's Point Of View
Mario was hopping around after murdering another race of turtles for no actual reason as he stomped on the last one today -
Ep 10 Throw The Turtle At The Turtle Murderer |Super Mario Bros|
Maxwell sees a turtle and gets a idea... He runs full speed at the turtle before snatching it up by its shell and flinging it at the man who then loses disappears before reappearing with 2x above his head Maxwell then figures it out as he runs towards another turtle which he then throws at the chubby man who couldn't dodge or duck the incoming shell as he dies again and reappears with 1x above him Mario is now mad and throws up a flower before chomping on it as he begins to transform... -
Ep 12 The Cheat Code |Super Mario Bros|
Maxwell looks up slowly at the giant fireball before sweat starts dripping from his head as the heat builds up he closed his eyes waiting for pure destruction from this chubby small stack until he hears a voice in his head say something "Activating Different World Cheat" Maxwell gets the urge to say random letters "PAAPIK" he says as the world begins to spin as mario's fireball disappears and hes thrown to the ground from the gravity of this new world -
Woah A New World I'm BACK TO BEING 3D! |Chapter 2| Sonic And The Dark Knight
Maxwell and mario are shifted into another reality as their body distort into different shapes and colors as their pixel body stretch out and change to better graphics as Maxwell looks like a 3d version of his pixelated self now wearing a black hoodie with yellow strings and a now 3d yellow hat that falls off when him and Mario fall to the ground Mario is the 1st to get up as he tries to summon a fireball to finish Maxwell off which fails as he insteads summons his red hat. -
Ep 4 Maxwell's Great Track Run Sonic And The Black Knight
Our protagonist was soon seen running at lightspeed away from the fight that was going to go down between mario and the giant mech handling egg guy as he wouldn't wanna be on the opposing side of that giant stick or a giant fireball or even worst teamed on. Mario had already beat egg man's giant mech because you know... he's eggman as mario looked around seeing nobody but the destroyed mech and eggman flying away in a flying pod.
Back with sonic we see him eating chili dogs -
Ep 6 A New Power? Sonic And The Black Knight
Hours have went by since Mario knocked out sonic and went looking for Maxwell as he passes eggman's destroyed mech for the 120th time today. back with Maxwell we see him chilling in a alley listening to the voice that helped him before explain the story of this strange new world remembering how he heard the voice again..
3 hours earlier
Maxwell was running the other way as he wasn't trying to be part of the fight as he got closer to a castle he heard a voice saying "Alley" over and over again. -
Ep 7 The King Sonic And The Black Knight
After hours of the voice talking about the world it started talking about the portal it summoned to get Maxwell away from the giant fireball bout to take him to the nether realms as the voice that he named 'System1' tells him about a new power that was activated in him when he entered a new world called 'Weapon Summoning' and about how the world outside is running 5 seconds per hour and about how he could get out of the loop and that was ho the whole conversation went for the entire day -
Ep 8 Talking Animals Am I right?
as the sun begins to shine above the peaceful alleyway it shines above our young protagonist as it seems he has morphed yet again as his 3d looks gained more graphics and a sword near him that he summoned with his new found power and left near him for safety as Maxwell woke up he was tired from training his power over night till 12 as it took all his stamina to even unsummon the blade next to him as he gets up he sees a hedgehog, a echinda, and... a bat? -
The Golden Portal Ep 11 Sonic And The Black Knight
The Hedgehog now known as shadow questions me as we both sit there for a bit Maxwell had to change the course of this conversation so he doesn't seem like a creep as he was about to speak his 1st word a portal starts opening up under him as he is sucked into it as system is laughing hysterically and talking bout how his user was a dumb dumb for trying to talk to the emo hedgehog while Maxwell was having a angry look on his face wanting to figure how more about the world. -
Ep 1 A Mighty Blade Vs The.. Murderer With A Red Hat Sonic And The Dark Knight
Mario looks away for a second and looks back at Maxwell to catch a fist to the face as he's knocked away Maxwell gets back up as he stands over Mario expecting to see him disappear from the attack and die but he was just there on the ground holding his face while having the same amount of confusion as Maxwell as he gets back up and jumps away from the now bamboozled Maxwell as he has to wait a minute to go back into his transformation state as he gets ready to box Maxwell up -
Ep 2 The HedgeHog Sonic And The Dark Knight
Maxwell and Mario stood there in a combat position ready to fight each other as Maxwell took the 1st step to attack but was suddenly stopped by a blue spinning creature that bounces off a tent tarp before running away at lightning fast speed from a wide man who head had a oval shape and was now in a... "GIANT ARMORED MECH WITH LASER MINI GUNS" Maxwell exclaimed as the man suddenly turned to him as most of the land has already seen this scene one to many times to care anymore -
Ep 3 Eggy Attacks Sonic And The Black Knight
Eggman stops in his tracks as he looks back at Mario and Maxwell after letting Sonic escape his grasp once again for the like 100th time "YOU LET HIM GET AWAY" Eggman cried out as Maxwell recoiled getting ready to run if need be. Mario stood there thinking about if he should run from the giant mech in front of him or fight as he looks to his side he looks at the visible outlines of Maxwell's body and words above the outline saying Dip as Maxwell was already way ahead of Mario and Eggman. -
Ep 5 Knocked Out Faster Than Your Speed Sonic And Black Knight
As Sonic was about to finish his last chili dog it was smacked to the ground by a white glove as he turned around ready to fight the assailant because at this point it was a attack on his life as he turns around he is quickly met by a right hook from Mario "knocked out faster your speed you dumb hedgehog" Mario said as he looked at his animal copy's grounded body as he sits down and orders a chili dog for the road as the screen goes dark -
The Hedgehog With The Golden Armor Sonic and the black knight Ep 9
Maxwell kept looking out the window at the talking animals as he was just listening into their conversation about what happened over night and how they fought their final enemy and how this guy named sonic was now the king and all that jazz I stopped listening after a few minutes because I just wanted a way out of this world and back to my own as soon as I looked away a golden light blasted behind me as I looked back and saw another hedgehog that had the same design head shape as the black one. -
Ep 10 The Hedgehog Known As Shadow Approaches? Sonic And The Black Knight
As Maxwell watched the golden hedgehog untransform into this blue hedgehog with red and white striped boots he was poked on the shoulder as he turns around to see the same black hedgehog behind me as he looks in front of him to see the blue hedgehog still not noticing the black hedgehog gone as he turns back around I look at the black hedgehog that has noticed him in the shadows "Hi my name is shadow and I'd like to know why you were watching king arthur"... -
Chapter 3 Sonic BOOOOOOOM!
Maxwell continues to fall through the portal as he holds his angry look while the system is still laughing at him that he got talk blocked by a machine in his head as they finally get to the end of the portal he falls out and onto something hard like a person but with... fur? "oh god is this a furry game" Maxwell said as he looked below him to see the same blue hedgehog under him but without his armor and a brown scarf as the land around him looked way different than the medieval look, -
Ep 3 The Moving Controller |Super Mario Bros|
Maxwell was walking towards the white light till a controller appeared in front of him confused about where the mysterious controller came from he started laughing "Nice prank dad but you aren't tricking me" no response "I'm serious you can come out now" no response again Maxwell looks back at the controller before walking up to it before bending down to pick it up it starts moving towards the white light as Maxwell being the small brained person he is crawls after it. -
Chapter 3 Ep 1 Sonic Boom
Back with our protagonist he jumps off the blue hedgehog and goes 5 inches back away from the new talking animal entity that looks just like the one he just met in the golden armor but this one seemed more... lame " Oh hey its you golden armor guy" Maxwell said with his small brain enabling the dumb dumb feature on in his body to say only dumb things as he knew it wasn't the same hedgehog and he was just in another game as he watched the hedgehog's every move making sure it wasn't a enemy. -
Ep 2 Sonic Boom
2 minutes later a yellow fox begins to exclaim that Maxwell just came out of a wormhole from another universe and needed to get back to his own before his body is ripped apart and scattered into multi dimension causing chaos between the multiple universes since all his cells are tearing off and creating multiple portals from universe to universe Maxwell sat there not being able to process anything the talking fox was saying until he hears about a virus spreading through the universes. -
Ep 3 Sonic Boom
As the talking fox took Maxwell to his office or scientific lab he tells Maxwell about his already built time machine he made when he was thinking about going back into the future to find Maxwell but since he came to him he can just send him back now "It was that easy?" Maxwell questioned "Yeah." Tails responded as tails readied up the portal Maxwell said out loud "I wonder if I could have had a more fun adventurer" as tails suddenly said "Yeah... no." as he kicks Maxwell into the open portal. -
Maxwell woke up with a jolt from a knock on his door and his mom calling him as he looks around to see he was back at home as he walked downstairs he saw his parents with jackets on getting ready to walk out the door "Where are you guys going?" questioning his parent's fashion choice "Well sport we're going to see your grandparent's home would you like to come?" Maxwell's dad Peter asked "Nah I think I'll just play some games till you both are back" Maxwell said before going back to his room -
The Start Of Max's Adventure |Don't count this event|
Maxwell is sucked into a mysterious gaming system he found stored away in his grandparent's basement now he has to find a way out -
As the story starts off we see our young 16 year old protagonist looking depressed standing over 2 graves in the rain with his mom and dad standing 4 inches behind him talking to other relatives about the death of his grandfather and grandmother.
10 hours later
our protagonist is lying on his bed playing games on his laptop sighing he turned on his back and looked at the ceiling and started thinking about his life with his grandparents until he drifts off to sleep. -
Mourning Visit |Super Mario Bros| Chapter 1
Maxwell was jolted awake by knocking and his mom calling out to him to wake up. "Yeah?" he called out not getting a response he groans he mumbles "why call me then go quiet" he walks downstairs to see his parent's with jackets on and standing in front of the house door "what are you both doing?" maxwell said questioning his parents choice of clothing "well sport we're going out to your grandparent's home" Maxwell was surprised at 1st but calmed himself and exclaimed "can I come to?!" -
Ep 2 The Dark Room And The Mysterious Light |Super Mario Bros|
Maxwell looks left to right before slowly opening the door and looking inside seeing nothing but a pure black room he first looked confused until a sudden pure white screen comes on he is now more confused as he felt the energy get stronger and he walks into the room closing it behind him as he walks deeper into the room outside the room his dad walks by the room as the room seems to have disappeared from the universe back in the room Maxwell is walking closer to the light and it goes all white -
Ep 1 Magical Door |Super Mario Bros|
50 minutes of driving later Maxwell made it to his grandparent's home quickly hopping inside and looking around he hasn't been here in quite a while only visiting 3 times each 2 months "It doesn't look different at all he said" he said to nobody 1 minute of looking around the house he was about to look for his parents he bumped into a door that wasn't there before he backtracked to the door and looked at it before touching the doorknob and feeling a burst of energy giving him a new a new feeling