
The Kokoda Track

  • The War in the Pacific Begins

    The War in the Pacific Begins
    The massive war that consumed the Pacific began, placing the lives of not only people but also soldiers at risk.
  • Australia declares war on Japan

    Australia declares war on Japan
    Australia declares war on Japan, sending its troops over the seas to fight against Japan's military defenses.
  • Allies arrive in Port Moresby

    Allies arrive in Port Moresby
    Allies of Australia traveled across to the battle field that faced Port Moresby to support their fight against the vile Japanese miliitary.
  • Port Moresby first bombed

    Port Moresby first bombed
    Port Moresby, the place of which new troops from Australia's allies came to assist in the battle, was bombed threatening Australias defence renewal system.
  • Japan Army and navy forces at Lae and Salamaua aiming to establish airbases to attack Port Moresby.

    Japan Army and navy forces at Lae and Salamaua aiming to establish airbases to attack Port Moresby.
    Establishing airbases at Lae and Salamaua, would allow Japan an airbase system to attack Port Moresby and other key areas of Australia to reduce Australia's opposing militart defence.
  • An attempt by the Japanese army to invade Port Moresby on route from Rabaul, was abandoned when an American and Australian fleet attacked forcing the Japanese to abandon the attempt.

    An attempt by the Japanese army to invade Port Moresby on route from Rabaul, was abandoned when an American and Australian fleet attacked forcing the Japanese to abandon the attempt.
    An attempt by the Japanese army to invade Port Moresby on route from Rabaul, was abandoned when an American and Australian fleet attacked forcing the Japanese to abandon the attempt.
  • Japanese decide ot attack overland via the Kokoda track.

    Japanese decide ot attack overland via the Kokoda track.
    Air raids, devastating buildings, people and the lives of many soliders, was a the tactic withheld by the Japanese Military. This air raid would devastate anything in its path and severly damage the soliders of the Kokoda track.
  • Australian and Papuan troops operate along Kokoda track

    Australian and Papuan troops operate along Kokoda track
    Threatened by Japanese warning of air raids both Australian and Papuan troops began their operations along the rainforest track of Kokoda.
  • Japanese attack Kokoda

    Japanese attack Kokoda
    Operations on the Kokoda track by Papuan and Australian troops on the 7th of July, were attacked by the Japanese military forces devastating many lives.
  • Major General Allen arrives at Port Moresby

    Major General Allen arrives at Port Moresby
    Major General Allen arrived at Port Moresby.
  • The Japanese begin to retreat

    The Japanese begin to retreat
    After a few months of war, the Japanese, clearly out numbered, retreated from the green canopies of the Kokoda track.
  • Australian troops push the Japanese further back along Kokoda

    Australian troops push the Japanese further back along Kokoda
    As the retreat of the Japanese Army began, forces of Australia, pushed Japans military further back along the lush Kokoda track.
  • Australian troops recapture Kokoda

    Australian troops recapture Kokoda
    After a devastating war, Australian troops faught for Kokoda and on the day of their planned recaputre, the Japanese army was no where to be seen.